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Losing one's hold...any second chances?

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2000 2:56 pm
by neightball
I am a ranger and I am in the second major half of the game (Chapter 6). I earned the ranger hold back in chapter 2, but I mysteriously lost it for not doing something when I thought I answered the pleas from all of the townspeople. I am angered because the pommel to the equalizer was in a cabinet being stored... ...I had not yet discovered the bag o' holding. Is there any way in the
Seven Bloody Planes of Hell that I can retrieve the pommel? I am even open to "cracked" suggestions because the ranger hold has been barred and the people are unfriendly. Any advice is welcome.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2000 3:49 pm
by Nighthawk
Well, you could

1) Start a new game, get the pommel in Irenicus'

2) Export the character with the pommel

3) Go to your game, drop a party member to get an extra slot.

4) Copy the game to multi-player

5) Import the character with the pommel into the open slot.

6) Take the pommel off them, exit, drop them, save.

7) Copy the game back to single-player and re-add the dropped player.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2000 3:49 pm
by Nighthawk
Or your could Download Shadowkeeper and edit the saved game to add the pommel to your inventory.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2000 3:01 am
by Memnoch
Same thing happened to me with my thieves guild. Because I was off somewhere and didn't get back in time to pay the quotamaster I lost the guild. Each time I bribe to get it back they take my money and then take my guild again. So i got sick of it after a while and gave up on it.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2000 10:44 am
by Phrozen_Ice
A strange thing happened to me.

I lost my guild, payed the fee, but my guild is still oficially shut down, yet my thieves are still working.

The result: Get like 2.5k every five days and don't pay anything to the other guild

Has this happened to anyone? I'm not sure if it is a bug or is the way its supposed to be.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2000 3:14 am
by Memnoch
That's what's happening to me. Heh, Renal is a bit of d**k to not even notice that I'm running my own guild right in the same district he is and giving him NO tribute. What a dope

My name is Memnoch...Memnoch the Devil. I have been waiting for you for a VERY long time...