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Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2000 4:00 pm
by Bordin_Steelaxe
I was wondering what the highest backstab damage a pc of yours has dealt to an enemy?

I just know that my lvl 9 Stalker did 102 damage with a x3 multiplier, pretty nice I would say, so you can figure what happened to the "poor" Zyntris Image

Bordin Steelaxe
The greatest Dwarf in history!... with an axe of steel ;)

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2000 5:32 pm
by Maurice
Yeah, bits & pieces all over the place ...

I don't know what the thief in my party ever did as maximum, but it was at least 100+. If memory serves me right, it was 114 in one stab.

The highest I ever did with him in BG 1 was 108.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2000 10:43 pm
by KidD01
hey guys !
How u use the backstabbing ability ? Sorry to ask but seems like i can't do this thing, not like when i played BG1.

Thanks in advance

They can only kill me with golden bullet !

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2000 11:15 pm
by flinfman
Is is possible to backstab dragons though? I've seen Firkraag and the Shadow dragon but haven't gone toe-to-toe with either yet and was wondering if it's possible to get the drop on either.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2000 4:59 am
by Bordin_Steelaxe
You need to be invisible in order to make the backstab. Besides that, not like in BGI where you could stand in front or beside the enemy and "backstab" them, you need to stand behind the enemy and then attack the target (if the "enemy" is neutral, just click your sword and then the enemy. You will become visible when you hit the target or after the first 3-4 strokes on the target (even if they missed). If you hit the target you will get the multiplayer (this one depends on your character lvl) and deal a lot of damage, which makes the most fights a lot easier Image Only thieves and Stalkers can backstab I believe...

Bordin Steelaxe
The greatest Dwarf in history!... with an axe of steel ;)

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2000 1:12 pm
by Yuusuke
A backstab is the "first" attack that takes place when you initiate an attack while invisible, improved invis, or hiding in shadows. And you have to be behind the enemy.

The computer-controlled enemies are not governed by this law, they can backstab while standing in front of you. I think it's a balance for their lack of an actual brain.

Another thing, it seems that improved invis doesn't give you multiple backstabs. At least I haven't been able to get it to work.

You should be able to backstab with any weapon that a thief can use. But for some reason Valygar (stalker) can't backstab with his personal weapon, the Cor<something> Family Blade. But my stalker can backstab with any other katana.

Oh, BTW, you can only backstab humanoid enemies, so dragons, slimes, and the such, are out. I don't know about trolls, golems, sahuagins, ogres, werewolves, and kua-toas. My definition of a humanoid is a biped. So those should apply, but who knows.

[This message has been edited by Yuusuke (edited 11-04-2000).]

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2000 4:52 am
by Maurice
Small note on the computer players backstabbing: when they do so while your character is not turned with his/her back to them (so either to the side, or even frontal), their multiplyer doesn't kick in...

Really funny occasion once: my thief got 'backstabbed from the front' so to speak, and the enemy thief only did 3 points of damage ... this happened in IWD if I'm right.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2000 7:53 am
by Sourced
I was under the impression that you could only backstab with a short sword.
Maybe you only get the multiplier with a short sword/dagger ?

Any thoughts?


Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2000 8:10 am
by Mr Sleep
Not necessarily about backstab but on [url=""][/url] they had a picture a while back of a - in think - bolt of glory which did 1049HP of damage quite impressive Image

I am not claiming it i just thought people would be intrested.

[This message has been edited by Mr Sleep (edited 11-06-2000).]

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2000 4:31 pm
by Maurice
I did 1046 damage with a sunray once ... pretty much wasted the Lich I used it against, I might add.

Backstab multipliers *SHOULD* only be used for short swords and daggers. Although I have never tried, I don't think you can backstab with anything else. Any other weapons results in the thief leaving the shadows and making a regular attack, albeit from behind. No backstab bonus in any way is applied however.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2000 4:55 am
by Bordin_Steelaxe
You can backstab with Long swords and Katana's with no problem. As mentioned before I'm using the Celestial Fury, and it works fine every time....

Bordin Steelaxe
The greatest Dwarf in history!... with an axe of steel ;)

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2000 6:39 am
by Maurice
Yesterday, I broke my record regarding backstab damage ...

In the tomb with Korgan's book, I back-stabbed a Wraith with my level 6/23 Fighter/Thief, doing 134 points of damage in a critical hit!

Beat that!

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2000 7:11 am
by Daemion
Hey Maurice I bet you forgot to make a screenshot of that! Image

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 8:39 am
by Elenias Nal'nair

Any questions?

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 8:47 am
by Maurice
Yes, one actually ...

HOW THE *&*%^*%^*% DID YOU DO THAT??

In other words, would you be so kind as to explain this kind and ignorant soul how to get such insane backstab damages? Image

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 9:07 am
by Chade Fallstar
... How about Girdle of Frost Giant Strenght with Celestial Fury & 7x backstab damage?

... just a thought

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 10:20 am
by Maurice
How did you get the 7x multiplier? Do you use a kit for your thief?

Mine is a dual-classed fighter/thief (lvl. 6/23), and I believe his multiplier is only 5x.

I currently use the Daystar with him, and Cutthroat. I specialized him in Short Swords, back when I created him in BG I, so I have 5 stars in that proficiency. I have in the mean time put 4 stars in his long swords. Of course he is dual-wielding, and I have put 3 stars in the two-weapon proficiency as well.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 4:05 pm
by Elenias Nal'nair
First of all there's NO' x7-multiplier at all, not even with a kit, and definitely not with an assassin. The worst they get is x5. But I remember reading about a x7-multiplier in the early stages of kit-generation BEFORE BGII was released. That was bull.
Second, dualclassing a thief from a fighter is normally the common way.
Third thing with backstabbing: USE INTERNAL BLOOD-MODE! Blood and gibs all over the place...uhh!

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 4:13 pm
by Maurice
Just this evening, I broke my record, and set the new limit at 158 for myself.

And yes, Daemion, this time I took a screenshot!

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 6:51 pm
by Justarius
With regards to backstab, you can backstab with any onehanded thief weapon. So grab a club and backwack to your hearts content.

As for the 7x multiplier, that is the assasin. Bioware have said that the higher BS multiplier for the assasin was put in but left out of the kit description.

If you want to look for yourself it'll be in the archive at BG Chronicles news section.