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Archer/Mage? Archer/Cleric? Archer/Druid?!

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 5:09 pm
by Opalescence
Ok, I wanted to try something different this time, and so I chose to make an Archer/Mage and was wondering if that was even a good idea. It seems decent on paper; maybe not quite as good as a Kensai Mage but I made one of those already. As far as I could see, the advantages of an Archer/Mage are:

Being a caster probably would want to say in back anyway.
There are plenty of good ranged weapons in the game.
Archers can hit very hard, plus the spells to hit even harder.

Another possiblity is the Archer/Cleric. He loses the possibility of Summon Planetar, Timestop, Improved Alicrity, and Dragon Breath, not to mention Tenser's Transformation, Shadow Armor, Stoneskin and Blur, but he gains Implosion, Summon Deva, Heal, Globe of Blades, Call Upon Holy Might...

And then there's Archer/Druid. Mainly for Insect Swarm to take on mages.

I can't decide which one's best, but probably Mage, since there are so many good mage spells that complement the Archer (yes yes I KNOW they complement the Kensai better ...!).

The second question is, what ranged weapon? Does the special abilities of the Archer work with Crossbows? Because there aren't too many decent Long Bows in the game (Even ToB's only really got Taralash). So that leaves Shortbows (there are some decent ones, but none that stand out terribly), and of course there are the crossbows. So I'm really leaning toward x-bows, but do Archer skills work with those?

And the third question is, when do I dual over? Level 9 seems a bit low, doesn't seem like you'd get much for your money, but if you think that it's a good lvl to dual then I guess so. I was thinking around 12 should get a decent called shot and good attack with the bow, but what do you guys think?

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 5:28 pm
by Klorox
As long as you have Throne of Bhaal installed, the best level to Dual Class at is level 13. You will have the most number of attacks per round this way, taking advantage of the warriors' greatest strength.

If no ToB, level 7 or 9.

All of this is beside the point, as the only legal dual class option you have listed in the Archer/Cleric (and then your only choice is Sling). Archer is a Ranger kit, and Rangers can only dual-class and multi-class with the Cleric class.

If you're set on a ranged attacker, make a Fighter or Wizard Slayer with ***** in Short Bow. That's the best ranged weapon category IMHO.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 5:40 pm
by UserUnfriendly
archer mage is indescribably powerful...

called shot at med levels drops saving throws to magic...and IT STACKS!!! :eek:


also, improved haste+called, enough hits and the str drain can work like mindflayer int drain attack... :eek:

imagine timestop and archer called shot attacks, which as everyone knows, EACH AND EVERY PHYSICAL ATTACK IN TIMESTOP AUTOMATICALLY HITS... :eek: :p

Only the kensai mage comes anywhere near the utter powers of an archer mage...

oh yeah, the called shot improves as you progress in mage levels, since the spl computes its abilities based on your level... :cool:

archer mage can be made using the tactics mod generic archer kit... :D

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 6:01 pm
by glenfar
I'd definitely go with an Archer/Mage. Keep in mind that Clerics and Druids are always bound by their weapon restrictions, even in a multi or dual class.

In other words, the only range weapon an Archer/Cleric could use would be a sling ...

Besides that, I see Clerics and Druids as being in melee more, whereas Mages are more likely to be in back (i.e: using range weapons)

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 9:17 pm
by SP101
Archier/Thieves are pretty cool too. You can Backstab, then run behind you friends and start shooting arrows. You will also get a greater Thac0.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 2:33 am
by lompo
The second question is, what ranged weapon? Does the special abilities of the Archer work with Crossbows? Because there aren't too many decent Long Bows in the game (Even ToB's only really got Taralash). So that leaves Shortbows (there are some decent ones, but none that stand out terribly), and of course there are the crossbows. So I'm really leaning toward x-bows, but do Archer skills work with those?

And the third question is, when do I dual over? Level 9 seems a bit low, doesn't seem like you'd get much for your money, but if you think that it's a good lvl to dual then I guess so. I was thinking around 12 should get a decent called shot and good attack with the bow, but what do you guys think?[/QUOTE]

As User stated, A/M is a great option, actually I'm playing with Nalia A/M
and she is doing great.
As for the weapon, definetly s.bows are the best ranged weapon you can get:
Tuigan (extra attack), Tansheron (+3 magic arrows), and Gesen (+4!! arrows with elec. dmg + elec. resistance), the best xbows is Firetooth (+2 bolts with fire dmg). slings are good if char. has high str., but you can't master them and l.bows have some good option, but inferior to s.bows.

As for the lev to dual, my suggestion is lev. 9, your tach0 will be sufficiently good, but you will be a much better mage: an A/M wan't melee as a K/M, but will stay in the back taking shots and throwing spells.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 3:15 am
by Brynn
A/M is a very good idea indeed. The only thing that should be consdiered is that Nalia is there for you... So if you want to have her in the party, it's not a good idea to choose abilities similar to hers.

If you're soloing, a A/T (as mentioned above) might be too weak for the task...

And remember, the mage is very useful in BG (I dare say you can't really go on without one) since there are many magic user enemies... --> and owning the Planar Sphere is fun, too :)

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 5:38 am
by Ieldra
@Iompo: you said you're playing Nalia as an Archer/Mage? Did you really change her class and kit or do you simply play the style? If the former, can you tell me how you did it? I've always wanted to change her first class but didn't know how.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 5:59 am
by me0w
(I might be wrong, but) Shadow Keeper should do the job. Just specialise her with that, then dual :)