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Constant effect items
Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:16 pm
by Gromph
can someone please tell me how to make these? mine always want to be one use of use when cast
, and it WONT LET ME CHANGE IT! im on xbox so can someoen please help me
Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:23 pm
by Rookierookie
*sigh* This must be the kazillionth time I saw one of these threads...
Use a Grand or Azura soulgem to trap the soul of a golden saint or ascended sleeper. When you are at the enchanting menu, go to the bottom left corner and change the effect to Constant Effect.
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 1:41 pm
by giles337
I belive the Layout of the pc menus are different to the x-box rookierookie. The constant effect/cast when strikes/cast on use tab is underneath the cost menu, on the right hand side, above the effects list, simply highlight the button, and press A till yyou reach the effect you desire
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 8:19 pm
by Gromph
alright so where would i go about getting an azure soul gem? do i have to find it or can i buy one?
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 8:24 pm
by dark_raven
there is only one azura's star and you have to earn it. go to the inside of azura's shrine. talk to her stature. compleat her quest. come back to her and aquiree it.
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:49 pm
by [DecoY]
[QUOTE=dark_raven]there is only one azura's star and you have to earn it. go to the inside of azura's shrine. talk to her stature. compleat her quest. come back to her and aquiree it.[/QUOTE]
been there, done that, still no constant effect...
Does this only work with Azura's star, or can I use any gem?
enchant myself, or can I have some NPC do it for me?
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 5:09 pm
by Anonononomous
Only Azura's Star or a grand sould gem because they are the only ones that fit Ascended Sleepers and Golden Saints, or man-gods, and these 3 types are the only ones that let you have constant effect enchantments.
You can enchant yourself orm pay for it. But since these are high quality souls, I'd not risk it and rather just pay someone for it.
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 5:21 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=Anonononomous]You can enchant yourself orm pay for it. But since these are high quality souls, I'd not risk it and rather just pay someone for it.[/QUOTE]
Makes sense. No matter how high your enchantment level, there's always a risk (in part, due to your Luck stat) that an enchantment will fail. On the other hand, going to Enchanter has a zero chance of failure. You pay considerably for the privilege, but money is hardly a tight resource in Vvardenfell.
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 8:43 pm
by Gromph
yeah gold isnt hard to get but still there arnet many ppl who will buy expensive items so you need to go to the mudcrab, and do you know a place where i can either buy summon saint scroll or the ability itself?
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 6:06 am
by Rookierookie
In Therana's tower there is a guy who sells Summon Golden Saint spell.
You DON'T want to use the summon golden saint scroll, you want an amulet/ring or a spell that can do it.
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 2:39 pm
by Death_Denied
Why wouldn't you want to use the scroll?
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 2:55 pm
by Rookierookie
Because it costs money.
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 2:58 pm
by Death_Denied
Rofl, right, I forgot lol.
Oh and does killing Vivec after you've done the main quest have any bad side effects?
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 3:07 pm
by Opalescence
Well, they can be rare. That's about the only reason I can think of. Therana, like it was said above, sells "Summon Golden Saint". Unfortunately, this method can get REALLY expensive. Assuming you've got a low enchant and conjuration level, let's see what you got to pay for: the spell "Summon Golden Saint", there's a couple hundred Drakes; enchanting some ring or amulet to summon the GS, so you don't have to, there goes another 70ish grand Drakes, and only THEN can you summon that GS and kill it to trap its soul in a Grand Soulgem or Azura's Star so you can pay another chunk of money to enchant an item with Constant Effect. That's a lot of cash, even IF money's fairly common.
You could remove one of the steps if you're fairly decent at conjuration: just cast Summon GS instead of enchanting a ring. It's expensive magika-wise but unless you've got the Atronach as a birthsign you can always just rest to regain that. Still, the whole process is pretty annoying, if you ask me. So I must disagree. USE SCROLLS! Go to GameFAQs, they have a Scroll FAQ for Morrowind that tells you how to get some NPC to sell you ANY scroll in the game! (It takes some rerolling, but hey ...) Just reroll him until he sells GS scrolls, then buy as many as he's got, then wait 24 hours in front of him to restock. I think, in the end, this is cheaper than the above method. True, the above method = infinate GS, but you really don't NEED infinate GS, you probably only need at most maybe 10 CE items created, right?
Self-enchanting almost NEVER works without using the alchemy cheats. Your ability to enchant is dependant on three things: your Enchant skill, your intelligence, and your luck. Your Enchant skill, short of cheats and exploits, can only reach 100. Using fortify potions, your intel and luck can reach higher though. The idea is, I have a character with a natural 100 in Enchant, 100 intel, and 80 luck. I tried a Ring of Invisibility (CE invisibility on an exquisite ring). No go, it NEVER ONCE let me enchant. I've discovered I could only enchant truly high level enchantments (i.e. enchantments that would've cost you CONSIDERABLE amounts of money at an enchanter's) if my intel was in excess of 2000 ...
On a side note:
It IS possible to get that much intelligence, and it's not too difficult either. All it takes is a good alchemy skill and a lot of patience. Just go out there gathering herbs that fortify intelligence. Once you have a bundle, make a fortify intel potion, drink it, then make another one. The higher your intelligence, the more powerful fortify intelligence potions you can make, which in turn raises your intel when you drink them, which ... oh you get the idea. Trust me, this builds up VERY quickly, your intelligence should reach 2000+ in no time. Then, you can enchant pretty much whatever you want, plus get rising force potions that actually last a decent amount of time, and also be able to brew fortify strength potions that blow Sujamma out of the water.
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 3:34 pm
by Rookierookie
Oh and does killing Vivec after you've done the main quest have any bad side effects?
You only get to miss his opinions on Almalexia and Sotha Sil after you killed Almalexia.
Therana, like it was said above, sells "Summon Golden Saint".
Not Therana, one of her people.
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 5:51 pm
by [DecoY]
[QUOTE=Rookierookie]You only get to miss his opinions on Almalexia and Sotha Sil after you killed Almalexia.
Not Therana, one of her people.[/QUOTE]
isn't Almalexia his "wife?"
(I know Nerevar was maaried to her, but when he died, didn't she marry Vivec?)
(Yeah, I KNOW!! I've got too much time on my hands if read all the books and dialogues...)
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 7:26 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=Gromph]yeah gold isnt hard to get but still there arnet many ppl who will buy expensive items so you need to go to the mudcrab, and do you know a place where i can either buy summon saint scroll or the ability itself?[/QUOTE]
In Therana's tower there is a guy who sells Summon Golden Saint spell.
Gromph, I forget--are you running the Xbox or PC version? Because if you're on the PC, there's a new mod out that lets you choose to either cast or memorize a scroll spell (chance of learning = magicka school rating). If you're on the PC and run that mod, you can easily learn the scroll, then cast it as-needed without paying the additional fees.
Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 6:16 am
by Anonononomous
Linky? Or at least a name so we can search for it.
Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 8:06 am
by fable
It's called Apprentice Scrolls, now in its 1.4 release. You can get it up on
Morrowind Summit. Just type "scroll" in the title area of the mod database search box.
Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 1:58 pm
by Gromph
Oh, I'm running the xbox version, so where is Theranas tower? i have found it before, and isn't she a council member of house telvanni? cause i;m in house hiaalu so wont they not sell to me??