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Alignment Changes??

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2000 11:01 am
by Apocalypse
I just completed the game with a Paladin and it automatically makes an export of your character at some point at the end. Well, when I imported the new char it said his alignment was still lawful good...until I actually went into the game, It was then neutral evil...a paladin cannot be neutral evil. I dont understand this. does this alignment change happen to every char class?

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2000 3:19 pm
by Lucian
spoiler downwards

the alignment change is like the bonuses you get from the tests at the end of the game..they dont show up until youre playing...your alignment change is because you have chosen the evil way in one test...if youre choosen it 2 would become chaotic evil and loose paladin status..for pallys you need to take all 5 tests the good way to keep your moral standard...but you could rp it as the pc becoming quite unhinged after going to hell and the slayer buisness