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Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:09 am
by lilith moonstar
I seem to have missed this area can anyonehelp this is the last badge that I need
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 3:37 pm
by dark_raven
bottem left corner of warm's tooth there should be a bridge. fix it and in the cave you will find Joril. if you can't fix the bridge, go here
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 1:08 am
by Aerich
[QUOTE=lilith moonstar]I seem to have missed this area can anyonehelp this is the last badge that I need[/QUOTE]
To expand a bit on dark_raven's post...
Go to the bottom left of the screen in Wyrm's tooth. You should see the remains of a rope suspension bridge. You need to get an engineering manual from one of the escaped slaves. He is in with the rest of them, in the room underneath the ice aquarium. His name, if I remember correctly, is Soth. He is in the far left corner, near the bookcases. If you have already freed the slaves and he is gone, not to worry. Check on the floor; he should have left the book behind.
Go back to the bridge, and it should automatically repair. Walk down the bridge and into the cave at the bottom. This is a big area with many giants and winter wolves, so be prepared.