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Most Useful Spell

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:51 pm
by The Godfather
What do you guys think is the most useful spell in the game? I really like the Druid Spell Insect Plague. Keeps the casters from being able to attack me while I pick them apart :p

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:59 pm
by Yeltsu
Protection from normal weapons? (this ownes almost everybody in the early stages of the game)
Protection from magical weapons?
Time Stop

there's plenty, you just have to find out how to use them properly

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 1:02 pm
by ektoplasma
i prefer the inqusitors dispel magic. dont really like magics. the only spells jaiheria gets to use is healing and insect plague :D

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 1:10 pm
by Morril
I don't think there is a single "most useful spell".
It despend on the situation.
Different situations - different spells.
Also it a matter of you need an attack spell or a protection spell.
But Time stop isn't so bad :)

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 4:49 pm
by UserUnfriendly
chain contingency...

you can load offensive, defensive spells, even a mix of offensive defensive...abi dahizim, stoneskin, improved haste cast on self will target your enemies, and buff your fighter mages...

works on improved invisible enemies...
allows you to cast more spells than one a round...
works instantly, impossible to spell disrupt...
works while paused...
you're only limited by imagination on tricks...
incredibly powerful for cleric mages.. :D

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:23 pm
by glenfar
Personally I'd have to go for Pierce Magic.

Sure, there's lots of other useful spells, both offensive and defensive. But the way I see it, everything else can be handled by fighters/thieves if need be - magic can make things easier, but it's not required. On the other hand, get a mage with a few protection spells up, and your fighters become useless.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:28 pm
by The Jester
Pierce magic will never be as good as Ruby Ray of Reversal.
Im pretty sure that Ruby Ray of Reversal is the most useful spell in Bg2.
I never use offensive spells.

-Just like old times, except for torture and all that....-Imoen

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:45 pm
by glenfar
Oops ... why did I say Pierce Magic? I meant Breach!

Anyway, I prefer Breach to the other similiar spells (like Ruby Ray) simply because it can remove multiple protections at once.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 8:09 pm
by Ellester
Stoneskin is the bread and butter of a mage. Wake up in the morning and cast. And the darn thing protects you all day. :)

After that it’s Magic Missile. In BG1 at level one it’s your favorite spell And in TOB you still are using it at level 30 because it has no save. I cast Magic Missile more than any other spell for my mage.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 10:59 pm
by takemeaway

i agree i think magic missle is the most useful in the game. with two mages pumped with minor spell sequencer and spell sequencer full of magic missles i took out the first Irenicus in a split second. one of the only purely offensive spells i use against "big" baddies (dragon, lich, etc.)

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 11:04 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=takemeaway]i agree i think magic missle is the most useful in the game. with two mages pumped with minor spell sequencer and spell sequencer full of magic missles i took out the first Irenicus in a split second. one of the only purely offensive spells i use against "big" baddies (dragon, lich, etc.)[/QUOTE]

Should we assume you use a removal spell first, to get rid of that easy-to-cast Shield with provides complete invulnerability to Magic Missile? ;)

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 12:32 am
by nephtu
UU said it...

I think I'll have to go Chain Contingency like UU - no other spell is so useful offensively AND defensively. Sure skins, PfMW, Proj.Image, Draw Upon Holy Might, Ironskins, bugs, are great spells, but CC is the king. What a pity you can't put level 9 & quest spells in it...

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 12:51 am
by Daveron
What about HASTE!!! In my opoion this spell is the most usefull at the start of the game the middle of the game and the end of the game. I use it every second nearly all of my mages level 3 slots are haste and for a good reason to. Heck I reckon I couldnt of won half of my fights if it wasnt for haste. Feeble mind is usefull to and Breach.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 1:13 am
by Sytze
I would say Timestop, but that's too easy.

So I'm going with Shapechange. You can win almost every battle with this spell. You can kills enemies with intelligence drain, can be immune to most magic with the Iron Golem form and when you are in need of healing, simply change into a Greater Werewolf.
Immie was able to fend off Improved Draconis with her shapechange abilities while the rest of my party was laying unconscious in a corner.

Of course, casting Timestop and than Shapechange is even nastier.

As my last point: I really hate Stoneskin.
It's not that it isn't a good spell, because it is, but I simply hate the stoneskin graphics. Your character or and NPC becomes totally grey, you won't be able to see the nice armour or whatever, nop, you just run around with statues. That's why I downloaded the Ashes of Ember mod, because they change the duration to 4 rounds of both Iron- and Stoneskin. You might think that's short, and it probably is, but I’m happy with it. Plus it nerves an, imo, overpowered level 4 spell with it's long-term duration.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 10:10 am
by Thrain
the after effects of haste nulify it as an overuse spell.

it gives you double movement rate and and extra attack for a limited time and you always always have to rest sooner because of it or suffer hideous THAC0 penalties (especially with the likes of aerie and viconia - low con characters)

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:19 pm
by me0w

Lower Magic Resist : Essential spell. I really needed it to kill Dragons, and it helped with Irenicus and many others.

Melf Minute Metoers : A really really helpfull spell, gives you a +5 throwing dart basicly. Its great early on.

(The really high up dispell magic) : Well I forgot its name, but it is so good, helps on pretty much all mages.

Chain Contingency : What a great spell! using combo's such as Dispel magic and 2 lower magic resists along with a high level spell, that will own someone, its so damn good.

(Meteor shower, but with ice) : Another great spell, helped me kill all of the dragons, really powerfull, although definately not the best.

These are the best ones I remember. (Haven't played in way over a year).

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:25 pm
by Brynn
Time Stop and Horrid Wilting are unbeatable. Khelben's Wharding Whip is also one of my favourites, along with Lower Resistance (oh, how many dragons fell to that spell :) ) and Imprisonment (haha, that's the fate evils deserve!!!)

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 3:35 pm
by Locke Da'averan
time stop +3 abi dalzim's horrid wiltings=minced meat, the amount of damage is almost unparalled AE spell that only hurts enemies, the best there is..

but if there is only one best spell it's the afore mentioned CC, can't mess with that

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 3:59 pm
by me0w
Imprisonment would be a good spell, however, you gain no experience or loot, its a bit poo for those 2 reasons.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 4:10 pm
by UserUnfriendly
[QUOTE=Thrain]the after effects of haste nulify it as an overuse spell.

it gives you double movement rate and and extra attack for a limited time and you always always have to rest sooner because of it or suffer hideous THAC0 penalties (especially with the likes of aerie and viconia - low con characters)[/QUOTE]

use improved haste...

or... :D :D :D

add the wish spell version of haste to your character... :D improve hastes entire party in one cast!!!! :cool: