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How did you stumble across Game Banshee and SYM
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:39 pm
by dragon wench
This has been asked before, but with the many new members I thought it would be fun to ask again what brought people to Game Banshee, and especially SYM.
Did you follow a link from another gaming site? If so, which one?
Did a friend tell you about Game Banshee?
Did a friend tell you about SYM?
Did you conduct a search for information on a particular game?
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:46 pm
by sparky_kat
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:50 pm
by Lost One
2 years ago I probably did a Google search on Baldur's Gate review and ended up here, realizing this was a better site for looking up hints and discussions of RPG games than many others. I suppose the main page was also (and still is) aesthetically pleasing.
As for SYM, that felt like a natural jump from another game forum.
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:58 pm
by Bloodmire
found it while i was looking up info on all the locations of the soul shards on D&D heros then realised that all my fave games where on the fourm like bualdors gate (both pc 1s and xbox ps2 1s) and also deus ex and star wars was on as well as soon as i saw all these that i regestered amidiealtly and have never looked back i am very glad i found it
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:07 pm
by Bluestorm
well if i remember I joined a yahoo group few years back and got the link from there i think.
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:29 pm
by unregisturd
I came to GameBanshee by looking at the bottom of a printout my friend had gotten from here. It was a map of Morrowind, and me, being a newb at Morrowind, thought I could come here and get some tips and stuff (which I did get.) How I cam to SYM... I don't really remember. I haven't been here long, but I think I was looking at some really old threads of some game, and people kept saying stuff about the SYM forum, so I was like, "I think I'll check it out." And here I am...
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:20 pm
by Bloodstalker
I came here when the Dungeon closed down. And no, I don't recall what my username was over there either, besides, I was a shy poster back then
After that, I wound up at the Dragons Breath Forge or something like that til I lost all my links and never could find the place again.
Then I came here. For some reason, I stuck around
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 1:08 am
by Daveron
I found this site while googleing "baldurs gate walkthroughs" since this was one of the topsites I clicked on it and the rest is history... Also I started posting on the forums because I like everyone here and you arent constantly getting flamed every 2 seconds or someone saying your stupid.
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 1:39 am
by Sytze
A few years back, I played BG for the first time. After a couple of days or weeks I asked Kevin Lych (I believe that's his name) for advice over e-mail. He answered literally all my questions and sometimes directed me to this site. So after a while, I discovered I could find all the answers to my questions at the SoA forums. At that time, my name was still ARcheR_S_
Since then I stopped harassing Kevin and only asked questions at the SoA forum. After a while I think I knew pretty much anything there was to know about the game, and the only thing I'm doing now is discussing cheese and kitcreations with UU. Plus I occasionally answer a few questions there (or write a story
And how I got at SYM? I believe I needed advice on fan fiction one time and thus posted here. A few days later I lost my username and created this one. My first post under this name was at SYM - and ones again I needed advice, badly.
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 1:52 am
by Maharlika
Seemed like ages ago...
Blame it on Baldur's Gate 2, as usual.
Started with Iron Works but somehow I wasnt satisfied with what they have there so I googled and discovered GB. Never entered the forums till I wanted to ask questions whose answers can't be found outright at the website. Stayed in the SoA for around 1 month as a member then 9/11 occured. Living in Thailand where English-speaking people dont come a dime a dozen, I wanted to react with people who can speak in English. SoA wasn't the place, so I lurked at SYM... a few weeks later I ended up in a SYM pub... the rest is history.
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:31 am
by garazdawi
Google is everybodies friends and it was with it's help and a need for Baldur's Gate 2 info that brought me to GB. It must have taken atleast a year until I set my foot inside the forums (as I until then didn't have a clue what a forum was
). At first I just helped other people with tehir SoA problems and then when I needed some help I asked. At this point I was quite amazed how someone could have a post count higher than 1000. This got me llooking for a more activ forum and this is when SYM came in the picture
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:23 am
by Xandax
Like I can remember so far back that I can remember why I came to GameBanshee...
Must have been in connection with BG1 or BG2 walkthrough I think (can't remember for sure which). Likely finding it via some obscure search engine.
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 5:27 am
by Coot
I was sitting on a parkbench trying to lose my hangover when this dog with the head of a guy (sort of like in the modern version of Bodysnatchers) cried out: 'Follow... me...!!' I followed him here and found, to my horror, that I couldn't log out... The dog explained to me that I could check out any time I like bit I could never leave = guitar solo =
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:47 am
by Rob-hin
Am I the only one who recieved a personal invitation from Buck?
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 8:26 am
by Sojourner
[QUOTE=Bloodstalker]I came here when the Dungeon closed down. And no, I don't recall what my username was over there either, besides, I was a shy poster back then
I came over here from the old Dungeon Tavern too. Shortly before it closed down, someone mentioned this site.
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:21 am
by Luis Antonio
[QUOTE=Rob-hin]Am I the only one who recieved a personal invitation from Buck?
If the ten character limit wasnt up I'd say only
BG or SoA.
And for SYM? I was exploring the site, for BG and SoA forums are relatively quiet, so I stumbled on SYM. Lurked only a bit and started on Word Ascosiation.
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:55 am
by Galuf the Dwarf
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]
If the ten character limit wasnt up I'd say only
BG or SoA.
And for SYM? I was exploring the site, for BG and SoA forums are relatively quiet, so I stumbled on SYM. Lurked only a bit and started on Word Ascosiation.[/QUOTE]
I'd pretty much say the same thing, except that I was attracted after reading much of GameBanshee's main site content to help me find answers for BG1 and BG2. If it weren't for this site, I might not have beat these games at all!
A toast to Buck Satan, I say!
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 10:02 pm
by dairy
a toast it is then
Bottoms up to Buck, the other mods here at gamebanshee and all the users who contributed to the massive amounts of wisdom, humor and boredom killing goodness!
i came to GB from the one and only yahoo search -> "kotor + walkthrough"
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 5:06 pm
by DashGore12
ahhh, well the great Baldur's Gate brought me here, looking for walk thru and guides and info on side quests...... and boy am i glad i clicked on the link
lol sparky i just edited yours to fit myne :-D
hope you dont mind