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Hand to Hand

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 12:55 pm
by Raumoheru
is there any way or any mods that enable hand to and to deal more damage and not hurt fatigue?

it really sux to have to take away all their fatigue to kill them and i wud rather use brawl over any weapons

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 1:26 pm
by Rookierookie
If there ARE such mods I won't advice downloading them. Many times you need Hand-to-hand to knock out people you don't want to kill.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 5:12 pm
by Anonononomous
[QUOTE=Rookierookie]If there ARE such mods I won't advice downloading them. Many times you need Hand-to-hand to knock out people you don't want to kill.[/QUOTE]

How many times? I've only ever found the guy in Solsteim. Now, if you actually could pickpocket people after they've been knockd out, then it would be useful.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 5:18 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=Anonononomous]How many times? I've only ever found the guy in Solsteim. Now, if you actually could pickpocket people after they've been knockd out, then it would be useful.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. That would make sense in the gaming environment, too, though you'd expect the person to report your actions to the guards as soon as they revived. I wouldn't think guards everywhere would be seeking you out, but certainly those in the local area would be aware, and merchants would be advised to close their doors to you.

Might make a whole different Morrowind experience. Being a badass, forced to sell to and get supplies from Thief Guild fences in out-of-the-way rural villages and the like.