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Advertisment activating my firewall.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 5:49 pm
by Xandax
I don't think this is a GameBanshee problem per se, but it mainly happens here.

Ever so often a specific advertisment is shown on GameBanshee, which activates my Firewall with a "HTTP_ActivePerl_Overflow".
Now I can't see which specific banner it is, because it is shown only as a white box with no content - and I think the reason for this is that my firewall kills it.
However - from the information I can extract - it seems to be from

The only way to avoid this for me is to activate my "anti advestisment filter" in my firewall - which carries other problems with it.

I don't know if I'm the only one with this problem, or others just don't see it, and I don't know if anything can be done (I think it is the faulty advertisment banner code from the advertisment company) it - but I just wanted to give the information nevertheless.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 11:34 pm
by BuckGB
I don't go through a firewall, so I'm unable to see this error firsthand. I can certainly report the problem to our ad agency, but without knowing which specific ad is causing the problem, it'll probably be tough for them to track down the cause. If you're able to narrow it down any further, please let me know.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 1:17 am
by Xandax
This is the some of the HTML code that gets send to my browser (the last time, I'll try to see if it is the same code when it happens again) for the advertisment that displays as a white color filled box, which gives me the http-overflow warning on my firewall.
I've only taken the advertisment code, because I'm pretty sure that it is there the problem comes from.

Code: Select all

[SIZE=2]<!-- begin 728 x 90 advertisement -->
<tr><td align="center"><!-- AdSpace Network=ugo size=728x90 adtype=under affiliate=gamebanshee suba=gamebanshee channel=games subchannel=pc category=rpg PT=ct CR=ti pez=tic --> <iframe width=728 height=90 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 bordercolor=000000 scrolling=no src=""><script language="javascript1.1" src=""></script><noscript><a href="$&Network=ugo&size=728x90&adtype=under&affiliate=gamebanshee&suba=gamebanshee&channel=games&subchannel=pc&category=rpg&PT=ct&CR=ti&pez=tic"><img src="$&Network=ugo&size=728x90&adtype=under&affiliate=gamebanshee&suba=gamebanshee&channel=games&subchannel=pc&category=rpg&PT=ct&CR=ti&pez=tic" border=0></a></noscript></iframe><!-- /AdSpace --></td></tr>
<tr height="8"><td></td></tr>
<!-- end 728 x 90 advertisement -->[/size]

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 11:59 pm
by Xandax
Another snip of code. I've not checked to see if it is the same link they are pointing at or not though, so the code could be the same as the other I've posted.

Code: Select all

<!-- begin 728 x 90 advertisement -->
<tr><td align="center"><!-- AdSpace Network=ugo size=728x90 adtype=under affiliate=gamebanshee suba=gamebanshee channel=games subchannel=pc category=rpg PT=ct CR=ti pez=tic --> <iframe width=728 height=90 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 bordercolor=000000 scrolling=no src=""><script language="javascript1.1" src=""></script><noscript><a href="$&Network=ugo&size=728x90&adtype=under&affiliate=gamebanshee&suba=gamebanshee&channel=games&subchannel=pc&category=rpg&PT=ct&CR=ti&pez=tic"><img src="$&Network=ugo&size=728x90&adtype=under&affiliate=gamebanshee&suba=gamebanshee&channel=games&subchannel=pc&category=rpg&PT=ct&CR=ti&pez=tic" border=0></a></noscript></iframe><!-- /AdSpace --></td></tr>
<tr height="8"><td></td></tr>
<!-- end 728 x 90 advertisement -->