Telvanni Bug Musk
Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 3:16 am
Why can't I ever find this stuff when I need it?! Gahh ... now normally I treat personality, speechcraft and especially mercantalism (because it's broken, broken as in "not working correctly", not "overpowered") as very secondary concerns, so I find myself forced to chug down Bug Musk like it was soda whenever I have to convince somebody about something and needed his dispo higher. Do you guys know where I might reasonably expect to always find bug musk? So far I just stumble upon it in my journeys, and save the bottles for a rainy day, but every so often I run out and I really need a decent source of Telvanni Bug Musk! Should I just succumb and just use Alchemy to brew my own Fortify Personality potions, using the Fortify Intelligence potion trick? I feel queasy about using cheese like that but if there's no guarenteed source of bug musk I may have to
. Somebody help!