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No additional spells at Sorcerer LvL 21?
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 6:50 am
by Solusek
I've never played an epic sorcerer before. Now I just got to lvl 21, chose the feats etc, and am at the Spell Book screen now, but I can't choose any additional spells. I'm just wondering if this is how it's supposed to be, or if it's a bug of whatever. Btw.: Will I be able to get additional spells later?
In addition I've got another question: I'd like to become RDD, but would that be wise at lvl 20/21? Would you suppose to stay sorcerer or switch to RDD? Meaning what would be more effective? I thought it could be nice to become a lvl 21 sorc first to get epic spells etc. and then change to RDD.
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 10:39 am
by Xandax
You will not gain more (ordinary) spells, no.
You can gain Epic spells though (check the manual of HotU for information about these)
As for sorcerer vs. RDD and what levels, then it is rather individual. The higher level sorcerer you have the higher your DC (harder to resist) your spells will be. However going RDD will give you better AC and strenght, and you can gain a charisma bonus as well (good for sorcerers), if you get high enough in RDD. But I'm sure others will come along and speak on this topic as well.
However if you play single player with your character, then I'd say it is a matter of personal taste whether or not you wish to go RDD or stay pure sorcerer.
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 11:40 am
by Solusek
First, you don't have to explain everything like DC etc. or that charisma is good for sorcerers
I'm no noob, it's just that I don't have much exprience with prestige classes as well as with epic characters. But thanks for the advice. Logically seen I think I should stay pure sorcerer, as I never go melee meaning I don't need the strength/armor boni and I don't think the +2 charisma are worth 10 levels of RDD as RDDs got a slower feat progession than sorcerers, which would possibly allow me to choose the great charisma feat once or twice if I stay sorcerer. But I'm still open for any advice anybody might offer.
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 10:18 pm
by Paranitis
I would go with RDD's why..
Draconic Armor (+4 Natural AC) is good for any character that MIGHT get into a melee scuffle.
Hit Die Increase (1d10)..IF you look at it as full hps on a level (which I know might not happen, but let's say for sake of arguement) as what is added to HPS compared to normal it goes like this..+2+2+2+4+4+6+6+6+6+6 meaning you get 44 more hps than you would have picking 10 levels of Sorceror.
Draconic Ability Scores (+8 Str, +2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Cha) to me is awesome, the Str bonus is good just incase you want to carry more stuff, or want to test out a staff by whacking at someone for a change of pace. The Con is good for anyone..and when you get the Con bonus you get +4 extra hps on top of what you get from the HD increase. Int bonus at this point in the game (starting at level 21 instead of 6) isn't really all that important for skill points, and the Cha bonus will make your spells just a tiny bit better.
Breath Weapon III (6d10 Cone of Fire) may not exactly be earth shattering or anything considering you are a sorc and can cast spells that are stronger than this at this point in the game..but it is fun to go melee for a minute, round up all the enemies in the area and then Burninate the peasants!
Wings (Cosmetic) are just freaking awesome to have! They don't do anything, but you get these bad-arse wings to flaunt to the NPCs!
Darkvision (See in the Dark) I don't think really does much in this game as far as I can tell, I mean it works in the pencil/paper game, but I can't tell on this game.
Immunities (Sleep/Paralysis/Fire) I believe elves get Sleep already..but if you aren't using an elf then don't worry bout that part..even if you DO use elf, don't worry bout it since you still get 2 new immunities. Lots of creatures in the game like to cast spells or use abilities that deal with trying to put you to sleep, paralyse you, and burn it is really handy.
I know this is just a rehashing of what you probably knew, but I hope that by explaining each a bit the way I see them, I might possibly help you over to the dark side!
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 10:27 pm
by Xandax
Well - most of these things are in my oppinion rather useless for a sorcerer.
Extra hitpoints are always nice, but that is about that.
The extra AC: Well, if you get into meele then you are in the wrong place, and there are plenty of equipment that either give Damage Reduction or AC boosts.
The abilities scores: Well - carry more, maybe - but there are many bags of holding in the game, so I've rarely had problem carrying much. And in HotU and SoU you can load up henchmen as well.
Int is useless, because skillpoints aren't retrospective. ANd Con is negilble as well, because of the +1 HP and bonus to Fort. Save throw
The +2 charisma is nice, but you need 10 levels of RDD for that, and as Solusek said - in 10 levels he can choose to add to the charisma using feats if need be.
Breat Weapon. I never used it - and most enemies seems to be immune to fire as well, now if it had been acid ...
Wings: useless fluff. Some might think they look cool, but I'll not take 10 levels for something that *looks* cool.
Darkvision seems useless, due to the games implementation.
Immunities are nice enough, but are easily handled with equipments.
In my oppinion - the RDD is best for a warrior type multiclass or a battle bard.
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 1:11 am
by Paranitis
In my oppinion - the RDD is best for a warrior type multiclass or a battle bard.
Yeah..I use a fighter8/bard1/RDD10 right now..I could have gone pure fighter for tons o' feats, or gone with weapon master to be better with my greatsword of doom, but I wanted wings dangit!
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:39 am
by Solusek
I quite agree with Xandax so I chose to keep my sorcerer pure for the moment. I'm lvl 24 by now and I don't think the choice was too bad. The dragonic abilities(AC, str, etc) are mostly useless for a sorcerer, especially one of the type I play as I don't care about hitpoints or physical defenses(that's what my superior spells are for!). After having maxed my sorcerer I think I'll try something like Fighter/Bard/RDD - 4/1/10.
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 9:06 am
by BlackHand
On the other hand the Sorcerer beyond lvl 20 does not give you much other than better Spell Resistance penetration. So switching to another class might be more beneficial after all...
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 12:07 pm
by Solusek
But penetrating spell resistance is essential for a good spellcaster. Beforce I got epic spell penetration many of the lower level spells were resisted by 40xp creatures......
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 3:10 am
by Sir_Toejam
if u r going to add another class, you should make it one that takes advantage of your already high charisma stat. for example, a few levels (like 3 - 5) of rogue will allow you to get a nice UMD score to be able to use a great many non-class items (and they DO come in handy), as well as being able to use usefull items appropriate to rogue class; plus you can add skill points to tumble to raise your AC (5 per each AC increase), and reduce attacks of opportunity, plus you get evasion and uncanny dodge with only 3 levels! quite a bargain. oh, and don't forget the extra sneak attack damage (just in case). with even a basic int score (12), you get 10 points per level to play with as a rogue. thats 5 each for tumble and UMD. with 4 levels, thats an increase of 4 AC right there, and with your charisma bonus, you would have a UMD score of over 30 probably, which is enough to cast level 9 cleric spells from scrolls (or wands) if u want. you can wear just about any equipment, regardless of alignment or class or race. argue for RDD if u want, but i think you get far more benefit from a few rogue levels myself.
If u have a lawful good alignment instead... obviously a level of paly would be excellent for the charisma bonus to saves.
You might also look into the Prestige class modifier pack put out by PRC; adds lots of other choices that would be good complement to sorc. there is a class for neutral good chars only that also gives the charisma boost to saves at level 2. I combined two levels in this class with three levels of rogue for my sorc, so only took away 5 levels from pure caster, and gained HUGE benefits for my sorc.