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Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:10 am
by jallis
hi everyone! after i killed rayic gethras and went to collect my reward from renal, i couldn't initiate dialog, "he appeared busy". i loaded from my previous save, killed the bastard again and then it worked. well, now i'm having problems with mae'var. it's the same thing! i wiped out him and his guild and after a half an hour of battling i went to collect my reward, and again the guy was busy. i tried to load and fight the battles again, but it didn't work!!! i don't want to fight them again!!!!!! is this a bug or am i missing something. if this truly is a bug, then i think my adventuring playing baldur's gate is over.
i would really preciate if someone could help me. it's truly a shame that this is a very good game, but if it has so terrible bug then i won't play it any further. PLEASE HELP!!!
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:11 am
by fable
Did you download and install the latest patch?
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:13 am
by jallis
i have v. 2.5.26461
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:19 am
by jallis
i'm sorry to trouble you, i'm a newbie. i am truly amazed you answered so quickly. i guess this game is truly a classic, so many posts flowing in every day even though the game is so old! this forum has got quite a lot of gaming history in it. it feels like i'm standing before an altar of knowledge!

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:23 am
by jallis
ok, i get it!
my version is too old, yes. downloading the patch at the moment. do i have to start over after patching?!?
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:57 am
by me0w
No, just carry on playing.
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:04 am
by Opalescence
Yes, the "guy is busy" thing is a very common error that occurs on certain systems (I know Windows XP is one such system but I can't remember the others), the latest patch very specifically says that it corrects (or at the very least tries to correct) this bug, so your game should work fine now.
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:10 am
by Numinor
Seeing that threads like this pop up almost once a week (no offense to jallis), perhaps it would be a good idea to make a sticky thread just for the "apperars busy" problem