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I had an idea for a jedi what do you think
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 5:47 pm
by ORairsoft
Hey I had an idea for a charactor that resembles a medievial Jedi.
I was thinking of taking a charactor who is strong in certain kinds of magic
"quote"The Force"unquote" and also in the use of bastard swords(twohanded blades able to be used in one hand). I was thinking somone who has very high acrobatics to be able to jump great hights(episode one darth maul and the jedi's HUGE force jumps). also should be profficient with unarmored because i mean really you never see a jedi wearing armor do u...
though im not sure who would be a good race so please give your suggestions.
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 5:49 pm
by fable
Not to interfere with your idea, but why take a perfectly good, well-integrated medieval environment like Morrowind, with its own thoroughly planned out mythology, and try to graft on something out of pop culture? Don't you think it would be a bit, well, disruptive?
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:18 pm
by ORairsoft
I just love star wars and making a ...jedi... just seemed like something interesting to try.
I mean ive done the whole wearwolf thing ive killed
Almalexia(blackend incase somone hasnt done the tribunal quests) so a jedi just seemed cool.
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:47 pm
by Anonononomous
If you want to play a Jedi, might I recommend getting KotOR.
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:55 pm
by unregisturd
O, my character is
way beyond Jedi...
Anyways, are you on xbox or PC? Because on PC I think you can get a lightsaber mod... I saw a screenshot of one, and I think my friend said he found one somewhere. If you're interested, you might wanna talk to fable more about it. He's the Mod Master.
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:08 pm
by Demortis
Sorry to burts your bubble but i agree with Fable on this one.(hum thats weird never thought i'd hear my self say that) Morrowind is fine the way it is, I am very into S.W. aswell but i wouldnt want to make a jedi in morrowind. 1) its cheap, 2) they dont belong there, 3) and possible law suits (not the key phrase "possible" dont mean to say it will.) agenst the use of the term "jedi" in a game they dont have anything to do with ya know. But if you are really deturmined to make one then give me a shout i might give you some help.
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 10:01 pm
by ORairsoft
Ok thanks people just wanted your oppinion on it.
And ive beaten KOTOR 3 times dark/light then light again
so ive been there done that.
And im an xboxer.
umm i think that covers everything.
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 10:23 pm
by Gromph
Look if you wanna be a jedi so muhc go back to kotor, and if you are bored of being good or evil try going neutral, i can gaurantee that its much harder than either dark or light, cause u gotta stay in balance, and play it again but with a diff type of char, i myself beat the game around 15 times, with a diff type of char each time. also it gets you ready for kotor 2
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 10:27 pm
by ORairsoft
I never said I wanted to be a jedi SO MUCH i just wanted your oppinions ok.
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 2:28 pm
by Rane
Personally I like the idea. I usually also seek some inspiration from other games/stories when I make my characters. But instead of giving them the exact same biographys I try to "convert" them, so to say, so that they fit into the world of Morrowind. Like your Medieval Jedi. I would give his class a suitable name but make the description resemble that of a Jedi.
And what's this talk about law suits? Why on earth would some game company sue you for making a character that is taken from their game?
The only reason to sue somebody for stealing/using their idea is if the person makes a mod containing their ideas and characters and starts to spread it out to the public without consulting them first.
That might lead to law suits, not making characters for your own use
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 4:16 pm
by Demortis
O ok now that i know that thanks for leting me know that. hum i do like the idea of a medieval jedi but i think it just gets to cheap and some of the skills that are needed wouldnt be there, like choke or weapon throwing. sure you could use some skills that drain life but they still keep moving with it. and there isnt that satisfactory choking sound. just my opnion.
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 6:09 pm
by Anonononomous
Combine Paralyze with drain health. There's your choke/kill.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 7:29 pm
by Gromph
Oh i see, yeah i get my char ideas from otehr places, like my guy in morrowind(Gromph) is based on the Arch Mage of Menzoberanzan(in the books by R.A. Salvatore, but a jedi? meh i guess, use paralyze on target in certain range makes your stasis field
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:38 pm
by Sean The Owner
im also going to have to agree with fable on this, although wolf howl might like the idea(thats my sister btw)
Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:37 pm
by Bloodthroe
Dude, ORairsoft actually has a good idea for a mod. If someone could create a mod where they make a level 1 character who has the basic stats that would resemble that of a jedi. So they can level up and get increased acrobatics and stuff. Some intelligence so he can cast a lightning spell (name the spell force lightning.) Put in his inventory a ring of constant effect telekinesis like the ring I have that has a range of about 25 feet.
edit- Unfortunatly you can only play mods on the Morrowind PC version. Which I have the Xbox one... Also I have played Kotor and beaten it with good and evil and almost neutral, but the game bored me by then. HK-47 is the perfect character to have in your party when you're evil. He makes the dialogs that much more enjoyable. Although that's a little off subject. As far as races for this jedi mod. I don't think it matters if it's the Redguard, the Cat people or the Lizard people. In starwars they have many different species that are jedi, but I think those three would be the most appropriate.