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Pilgramig of seven graces(possible spoilers)

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 10:29 pm
by Gromph
Please somoone help me, im doing the pilgramig thing for the temple and anyway, i go to viviec and try for the one under the palace in the puzzle cannel, and anyway i go in and i know that the middle entrance is in lvl 3 but i go in and it says there should be a dremora or something of that nature and theres nothing there, i got the silver sword and all, so im wondering, do i have to do something else special to get the guy or is my game beyond all hope?

P.S. fable if your reading this please, oh god please dont close it, i need the help to bad

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 3:09 am
by Rookierookie
Go and drown yourself.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 5:05 am
by Rane
Let's see what the all-mighty Search funtion found on "Seven graces".

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 7:30 pm
by Gromph
My hurt feelings

You know rookierookie, that hurts, why would you say something as cruel as that? my guy doesnt deserve that! why are you so mean???

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:39 pm
by maxman280

He means that when you go to the canal aarea, drown yourslef in the water. Some weird cinematic-esk thing happens when you die of drowning and u did the pilgramage. Hehehe. Go drown yourself.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 8:59 am
by Opalescence
Ok, what he means is, in order to turn off the force field, you have to "drink the waters", aka drown yourself. So do that. Go in there and drown ... after awhile there will be some wierd message and then the force field will go down, don't worry you don't ACTUALLY hafta drown, aka die...

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 11:05 am
by Gromph
I know he meant my char, i tried that i read the insricption "Breate the waters of his glory and the way shall be made clear" and so i thought ill try water breathing tried it so i tried drowning myself and i got to about half life and nothing happened so i figured that i was doing something wrong, thanks for the help, umm just how long do i need to drown for?

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 11:11 am
by Rane
You have to stay under the water until you die. Then you will be resurrected/Your life will be fully restored.