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How to use a lockpick?
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 1:19 am
by PanzerG
Hello everyone. I'm a newbie here.
anyone educate me how to use a lockpick plz?
just equip it and get a bonus in lockpick attribute? or else?
thx in advance
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 3:02 am
by Jimmy8085
Put it in ur item slot. Then click on it, and you get a yellow cross hair, use this to click on the thing you wanna lockpick and all is well.
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 1:14 pm
by atombombe
theres also naother way
didn't knew the method Jimmy explained
just left-click on the door you wanna open and hold the button
now choose the lockpick from your inventory
with this method you don't have to put it into the item slot
it's up to do decide which method you use
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 3:35 am
by PanzerG
thx guys, both methods run well, but I'm not sure the effect of two types of lockpicks, how many exactly do they increase my lockpick skills?
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 4:16 am
by atombombe
i don't know how much they increase your lockpick skills
theres this normal lockpick set and the extended lockpick set
u should have 100% lockpick skills and the extended lockpick set
u should be able to open every door with that
don't know if u know this: u get the extended lockpick set from the merchant
at NCR (not inside the city, outside where you land if you come the first time to NCR) you have to click on one of the cupboarfs behind him