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Mods in multiplayer

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 11:40 am
by moltovir
I'd like to play a MP game with some friends, but because we all played trough the game at least 3 times we want to make it an insane difficult game, with tactics, ascension and such installed. Is it possible to use these mods (and others like refinements, rogue rebalancing, ease of use, item upgrade) and custom portraits in MP games if all players have them installed?

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 1:51 pm
by Numinor
It is possible, though you should make sure everyone has installed exactly the same mod versions, preferrably in the same installation order.

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 8:07 am
by jcompton
Not "preferably", "absolutely positively a must."

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 3:55 pm
by moltovir
Thanks for the quick replies, these are the mods i think we will be using:
(if someone knows of any compatibility problems with combinations of these mods, please tell me)

BG2 + ToB
ToB patch
Baldurdash fixpack
Sorcerers place fixpack

Tactics (most of them)
Improved Battles (most of them)
Improved Sendai (apparently this is not included with Ascension)
Restored Pocket Plane abilities
Rogue Rebalancing
Quest Pack (expanded shadow thieves content and expanded Xzar/harpers quest)
Improved Oasis II
KR's Brown Dragon
Expanded thief stronghold
Planar Sphere mod
Unfinished Business
Improved Asylum
Item Upgrade
Banter Pack
Ease of Use (4-5 components)
Turnip Golem (i certainly want to give it a try :) )

I know Quest Pack expanded shadow thieves, Tactics improved MaeVar and Gebhard Bluchers Expanded Thieves Stronghold will probably not work together, has anyone played all three of them and thus can tell me which is the most entertaining?

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 1:55 am
by Sytze
The first two you mentioned do work together. The third one I never used.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 9:08 am
by jcompton
That's a lot of mods and so a lot of opportunities for something to go wrong.

I'd suggest that one person install them all, and then make an archive containing:

and the contents of the override directory

and send those across to the other players to use.