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Spell trouble...

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 3:18 pm
by cyanidesedative
I've played both IWD and IWD2, and I've had the same problem with both.

Some spells I should be able to cast wont work. I'm able to learn and memorize them, and they appear in my quick spell slots, and I can click on them, but the cursor wont change to the casting one, and the selected character just attacks the selected target with their equiped weapon.

This has happened with a necromancer a wizard and two clerics in IWD and IWD2. I've double checked any armor and other things they were wearing; I've even taken everything off and tried to have them cast without anything on.

I double checked the stats too, and they're all high enough. (every one of those charaters has been able to cast other spells of the same level too, and even spells at higher levels work)

I don't think it's a problem related to only being able to cast a certain kind of spells either...(ex- monster summoning one and three work, but two doesnt)

Does anyone have any idea what causes this or how to fix it? I've never even seen anyone post with this problem, or at least I cant find it...


Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 8:10 pm
by Patrick
What spells specificly are we talking about??

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 12:25 am
by Brynn
This is weird indeed! Sg similar happened to me somtimes in thick combat, but I found it was b/c I gave too many orders to different chars at the same time, so it didn't have anything to do with the spell itself.
If it always occurs with the same spell, I say you should try to install a patch, that should fix the problem.

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:45 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
you should try patching the game...

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 10:15 am
by cyanidesedative
The patch fixed everything up. Thanks guys!