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d0 U m1nd?
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:06 am
by Ideal Maxima
i jus wanted to know what bother u the MOST! is it mizzpelled words? or is it cApItAls where ThEy sHoUldn'T Be? or is it gr@ff1dy w0rds? or could it possibley be the ANNOYING scratch on the chalk board that seems fine when you do it but is ULTRA annoying when som1 else does it? well... WHAT IS IT THAT BOTHERS YOU!
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:49 am
by Stilgar
[QUOTE=Darc_Elv_Nyte]i jus wanted to know what bother u the MOST! is it mizzpelled words? or is it cApItAls where ThEy sHoUldn'T Be? or is it gr@ff1dy w0rds? or could it possibley be the ANNOYING scratch on the chalk board that seems fine when you do it but is ULTRA annoying when som1 else dos it? well... WHAT IS THAT BOHERS YOU![/QUOTE]
Misspelled words: No problem with that, i do it myself (alot I think) not everyone has english as their native language.
As for the rest yes i find it very annoying to read.
And i dont understand why people do it, cause it is even harder to write to.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:53 am
by Xandax
Well - to be frank, but language like that does annoy me.
It dosen't take long to write
one instead of 1.
you instead of u
and so on.
Also - one sterotypes oneself by posting like that.
Everybody can misspell words - especially us that are non-english as native language, but typing "leet"-ish and similar is just plain lazy and immature.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 7:03 am
by Ideal Maxima
honostly i'm Bengali/American my parents are both Bengali but i came here when i was but 3-6 months old and i'm a citizen
and i never said people that mispell words are always annoying to me im asking u if they annoy u
ARE YOU ANNOYED WIT THAT? and i dont mean people that cant speak english very well i mean people that can speak it but
jus use like slang like this and i usin the language that annoys me to give an example of what I mean
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 7:04 am
by C Elegans
[QUOTE=Darc_Elv_Nyte]i jus wanted to know what bother u the MOST! is it mizzpelled words? or is it cApItAls where ThEy sHoUldn'T Be? or is it gr@ff1dy w0rds? or could it possibley be the ANNOYING scratch on the chalk board that seems fine when you do it but is ULTRA annoying when som1 else dos it? well... WHAT IS THAT BOHERS YOU![/QUOTE]
Unintetionally misspelled words doesn't annoy me at all. Everything else you examplify in your posts irritates me since I view it as bad and childish language use aimed to give the impression that the writer is "leet kid". Most of your examples doesn't make typing any faster, so it's obvious that it's more of a subcultural, group-identity thing rather than a rational way to increase typing speed. Thus, it is totally redundant.
Except for the improper use of capitals and symbols instead of letters, I also dislike plattitude expressions like "ultra" or "über". It tells me that the writer prefers jargon rather than is striving to develop a functional and precise language that can be used to communicate with people as efficient as possible.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 7:09 am
by Xandax
Well - this topic has been up a few times recently: amognst other
in this thread
Most people aren't annoyed with misspelling/typos - but intentionally misspelling words and butchering the languge by typeing for instance: some1, u, da, 2, r, any1 etc seems to annoy most everybody that dosen't type like that.
I still belive that people typing like that are either lazy or immature, or both. At least that is the image I get by people typing like that - as I said in my former post - I feel people sterotype themselves by typing like that. It hurts the meaning and respect they gain in my oppinion.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 7:19 am
by Ideal Maxima
[QUOTE=Xandax]Well - this topic has been up a few times recently: amognst other
in this thread
Most people aren't annoyed with misspelling/typos - but intentionally misspelling words and butchering the languge by typeing for instance: some1, u, da, 2, r, any1 etc seems to annoy most everybody that dosen't type like that.
I still belive that people typing like that are either lazy or immature, or both. At least that is the image I get by people typing like that - as I said in my former post - I feel people sterotype themselves by typing like that. It hurts the meaning and respect they gain in my oppinion.[/QUOTE]
don forget "n e 1" and the d that replaces the th"
bu i don no y but ive become habbited to speaking like this besides it's not immature or stupid or lazy it's sometimes jus fun
besides i got accustmed to speakin like this from playin rts games like c&c generals and c&c tiberian sun online, cuz u hav to tell your friends and allies wot to do and quik cuz ther's no pausin the game
and every1 cant hold the game jus for u cuz u want to share your battle plan im sure u've been ther as well if u played online games
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 7:22 am
by Ideal Maxima
i guess people didnt under stand my question, i want u to tell me EVERYTHING that bothers u
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 7:27 am
by Xandax
[QUOTE=Darc_Elv_Nyte]<snip>it's not immature or stupid or lazy it's sometimes jus fun
But immaturity and lazyness is what is conveyed to thoese of us (me) that dosen't type and speak like that.
Besides - one can type faster with a little practice if it was really that which was the issue. I've played a lot of online games - specifically MMOGs - and there many people type like that. And still I could type about 3 times faster (messurable by lines of real text) then them eventhough they abbriviated most every word.
And eventhough I adapted some of the lingo (like lop, oop, ooe, and all thoese) - I *still* manage to type proberly everyplace else where I need to convey messages.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 7:27 am
by fable
bu i don no y but ive become habbited to speaking like this besides it's not immature or stupid or lazy it's sometimes jus fun
besides i got accustmed to speakin like this from playin rts games like c&c generals and c&c tiberian sun online, cuz u hav to tell your friends and allies wot to do and quik cuz ther's no pausin the game
What tends to get me a bit annoyed is the poster who has a question about a game, and writes as in this example. In fact, your single run-on sentence without punctuation, above, is easier to understand than some of those we've had in the other forums. Some examples have gone on for three time's as long.
Then, they get steamed when no one replies in a couple of days. Hell, nobody can figure out what they want. The kicker is that their English becomes excellent as soon as they start complaining about a lack of attention.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:27 am
by dragon wench
I've already stated my feelings on the subject in the other thread, but as others have mentioned here, I also view this type of writing as conferring a certain level of exclusion. This is a *public* forum, if you want to only communicate with a particular subgroup, then do so via email or PM. On numerous occasions I have seen posters reprimanded when they 'speak' to one another in a language other than English (the common language here that everyone can understand). I tend to view posts of the above example in the same vein.
If you are used to playing online games and the like where time limitations are critical, just remember that when posting at a forum you have all the time in the world. Posting here in that bastardised fashion is completely unnecessary. You are not perceived as "cool," "hip," or "knowledgeable." Most people simply view you as annoying.
Finally, I can attest that since starting to use instant message programmes and since I began posting at Game Banshee, both the speed and accuracy of my typing have increased dramatically. It just takes practice. This may not mean much now, but trust me, at some point in life you will likely find that fast and accurate typing is an asset.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:43 am
by Ideal Maxima
i can type fine, i just choose not to, i don't think i'm cool or anything it's just that i'm accustumed to typing in slang MOST of the time. All the other time I can type fine and I'm not in a rush or anything it's just that I LOOOOOOVE typing fast and well most of the time it comes out in slang cuz thas wot happens when u learn typin from playing online RTS.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:52 am
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=Darc_Elv_Nyte]i can type fine, i just choose not to, i don't think i'm cool or anything it's just that i'm accustumed to typing in slang MOST of the time. All the other time I can type fine and I'm not in a rush or anything it's just that I LOOOOOOVE typing fast and well most of the time it comes out in slang cuz thas wot happens when u learn typin from playing online RTS.[/QUOTE]
And this is perceived as laziness. If you are too lazy or sloppy to take the time to communicate by using real words it suggests your interest in actually engaging an other person is half-hearted at best, and this is generally considered rude. Perhaps this is acceptable in the online gaming culture you are accustomed to, but most posters here tend to avoid highly abbreviated slang. The exceptions are acronyms like: 'lol' 'lmao' and so on.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:58 am
by Rob-hin
[QUOTE=dragon wench]...abbreviated slang. The exceptions are acronyms like: 'lol' 'lmao' and so on.[/QUOTE]
Err, I don't like it when I don't know the meaning of a word.
Just kidding of cource. I like SYM because people here really take the time to write a message and actually have something to say. I may seldom post in discussions, mainly because the debate has gone on for a while or my opinion has already been said, but I do enjoy reading them.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:04 am
by Minerva
[QUOTE=Darc_Elv_Nyte]i guess people didnt under stand my question, i want u to tell me EVERYTHING that bothers u
If you want my honest opinion, I could say...
Your question bothers me so much that I didn't even bother to read all your posting, nor to answer to your questions. I read your first post, and this one, as it's short, then read other people's answers to understand what's going on.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:14 am
by Gwalchmai
I'm with Minerva on this point. I just don't bother reading text like that. Not worth my time.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:18 am
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=Rob-hin]Err, I don't like it when I don't know the meaning of a word.
Just kidding of cource. I like SYM because people here really take the time to write a message and actually have something to say. I may seldom post in discussions, mainly because the debate has gone on for a while or my opinion has already been said, but I do enjoy reading them.[/QUOTE]
I know what you mean. I think that, amongst other reasons, the fact that people here usually take time to communicate with one another makes Game Banshee (and SYM in particular) much more of a real community than other gaming forums.
[quote="Minerva]If you want my honest opinion"]
Indeed! That was my reaction as well.
Normally I don't even click on thread titles written this way, but for some reason I did today. Maybe because one of the last posters was somebody like Fable, so I was curious.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:22 am
by fable
[QUOTE=Darc_Elv_Nyte]i can type fine, i just choose not to, i don't think i'm cool or anything it's just that i'm accustumed to typing in slang MOST of the time. All the other time I can type fine and I'm not in a rush or anything it's just that I LOOOOOOVE typing fast and well most of the time it comes out in slang cuz thas wot happens when u learn typin from playing online RTS.[/QUOTE]
No offense meant, but you know--I always figured you were about 12-years-old, on account of your writing. I can see now that this isn't the case. You might want to factor into your considerations the way people view you because of your conversational skills.
Or not. It's really up to you.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 11:02 am
by Ideal Maxima
[QUOTE=Minerva]If you want my honest opinion, I could say...
Your question bothers me so much that I didn't even bother to read all your posting, nor to answer to your questions. I read your first post, and this one, as it's short, then read other people's answers to understand what's going on.[/QUOTE]
ignoring me eh? GOOD JOB! your just like me thasEXACTLY wot i do to other peoples threads
anyway wish me luck cuz TODAY's MY BIRTHDAY!
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 11:10 am
by Ideal Maxima
[QUOTE=fable]No offense meant, but you know--I always figured you were about 12-years-old, on account of your writing. I can see now that this isn't the case. You might want to factor into your considerations the way people view you because of your conversational skills.
Or not. It's really up to you.[/QUOTE]
well I AM 12 years old as of today and y wood i want to act older than i am? well talkin to som1 formal is an exception then i will definetly try to act MATURE but in any other case... for example ... as of now i am not in front of or talkin to any1 important i mean come on prolly the only person that i'd ACTUALLY act formal in front of on this site wood prolly be Buck Satan and *Darc_Elv_Nyte looks around* i don see him anywhere
so no offense to u gys... u moderators... i respect u gys but not as enough to actually speak formal in front of... No offense
but thas how i will act