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Problem with getting morte back
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:50 am
by Galactor123
Alright... this is what is happening. We all know that morte gets kidnapped, eh? Well... I liked morte, so I decided to try to get him back. I went to the master of bones guy, got his little quest to get another skull from the locked tomb (your old tomb near where you get the bronze sphere, no?) and I went off in search of it. I found it, got to the center of tomb after much puzzle solving and the like, and went around, pressing in all the panels... then this happened.
I had pressed ALL the panels besides the one that repeats the message you got at the beginning of the game, and I read it, and pressed the panel. It showed the dialogue saying it slid in easily and you hear a click behind you. Anxiously, I went over to open it. It popped up saying it wouldn't budge. Confused, I turned back to the message that says "don't trust the skull" and found that it didn't register the panel as pushed in. So, I tried again. No luck. Frustrated, I decided to leave, only to find the main door locked. So... I had to load an earlier save cause otherwise I'd be trapped in there. Anyway, I really like Morte, and I wanted to know if there was some way to manually change a global variable or some switch so as to get the stupid tomb open. Thanks.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 11:05 am
by Spif
Sorry, can't help you with your problem, but please put a spoiler warning in your topic title. Not all have completed the game yet.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 11:36 am
by araknid70
Since your thread itself doesn't have a spoiler thread, I'll include it in my post:
As for your problem, I'll tell you first that that isn't the way out.
The keys you get aren't meant to unlock the door. Their purpose is to determine where you end up upon going through the portals in the maze. Since you've entered 3 areas from the first 3 keys, therefore logically the fourth key must lead you to another room.... in other words, the way out.
Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 12:23 am
by Nightmare
You can also just kill that Wererat, Mantouk, right beneath the Master of Bone's house for a skull to get Morte back.
In regards to the tomb, make SURE you clicked on all the panels to push them in. I thought I did, but I had the same problem, I think...just recheck them.
Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 8:48 pm
by Platter
Spoilers in whole post.
[QUOTE=araknid70]As for your problem, I'll tell you first that that isn't the way out.
The keys you get aren't meant to unlock the door. Their purpose is to determine where you end up upon going through the portals in the maze. Since you've entered 3 areas from the first 3 keys, therefore logically the fourth key must lead you to another room.... in other words, the way out.
Yes, but that fourth key is in the tomb he can't open.
[QUOTE=Nightmare]You can also just kill that Wererat, Mantouk, right beneath the Master of Bone's house for a skull to get Morte back.[/QUOTE]
You need to go through this tomb first, so you can tell Lothar there is no skull in it.
This is also a game-essential quest. If you cannot complete it you won't be able to leave Sigil.
The fact that you can push the panel again doesn't mean anything. You must have missed a different one... there are eight.
Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:09 pm
by Galactor123
Doh! >.<
Alright, I want to apologize for not putting a spoiler warning, I just thought that I didn't neccesarily tell TOO much... but in response to the last post, I'm going to sound like a doofus for saying this, but EIGHT panels? ... care to tell me where the other four are? Right dumb of me I suppose, but all the guides I had told me just to "push all panels" and in the main tomb complex, there are four, and thus I thought there were only four.
Oh, and again, if I ruined anything for anyone, I'm really sorry :/ shoulda said Spoiler.
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 1:53 am
by araknid70
Oh I see, I didn't read the first post properly. The eight are in the same room. Just click on every wall section that turns your pointer into a question mark.
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 3:20 pm
by Galactor123
ok.... now I feel REALLY REALLY stupid >.< I always thought that the inscriptions that had a plate next to a plate were all one inscription. turns out, I'm an IDIOT. anywhom, sorry to waste peoples time and possibly spoiling peoples fun *sighs*