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Removing EXP cap

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:39 pm
by Arturcic
Hi, every1.
I installed the XP cap removal from the Ease of Use Pack, but I get some problem when reaching level 40 (I'm soloing a fighter accompanied just by Jan Jansen all along BG II and ToB). The mod sets the next required experince to -1, so that I still get XP, but, I don't get any more levels and I remain in level 40 for the rest of the game (I reached level 40 b4 reaching the Oasis) and, when I arrive at the last chapter, I already have over 11 million XP points. Jan doesn't have this prob, cos he's dual-classing, so he can get levels until both classes reach level 40.
The question is, is there any mod that REALLY removes the XP cap?

Thx in advance.

P.S.: I posted this here and not in the ToB forum, cos the mods are originally for SoA.

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:13 pm
by Raumoheru
the game itself cannot handle higher then level 40 for the level

the max a level cap remover can go is to 40

sorry ur outta luck

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:23 pm
by Baldursgate Fan
You may like to try the attached file which I downloaded from another site.

Helps you to go up to lvl 50.


Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:38 pm
by Arturcic
Thx a lot, the LVL 50 fix worked. But, b4 killing Baltasar, I already have reached lvl 50 :D Doesn't matter, thx again.