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Higher wolfweres
Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2000 9:02 pm
by hing
I got problem with killing the higher wolfwere in the windspear quest!
He always heals himself completely after a few secs! Anyone experiencing the same problem or got me some hints how to get by???
Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2000 3:48 am
by daemon
I dunno - he always dies in a few seconds for me. I believe greater wolfweres regenerate quite quickly but they only have about 9? HD. What weapons r u using they have to be +3.
Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2000 6:25 am
by Earcaraxe
The Greater Werewolf regenerates *very* quickly. If you want to kill him, you have to concentrate all of your firepower on him- send the warriors to attack, start blasing him with every spell you got, if someone can't reach him use projectiles, haste the entire party to smash him quickly enough, etc.
If you still can't kill him, try levelling up a bit in another location, or memorize special spell designs just for him (tell your wizards to completely memorize offensive spells plus one haste, give the Cleric Strength of One, etc.)
Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2000 9:22 am
by hing
ok letz try =)
Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2000 9:33 am
by hing
Well, it worked! But still had to decrease game difficulty!
Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2000 11:50 am
by Nighthawk
I've been through Firkragg's 4 times now. 3 times I had little trouble with the Greater Wolfweres but the other time I just couldn't kill one of them. I ended up leading it over to a side room, closing the door, and just leaving it there.
Someone said that from the Monster Manual they're supposed to regenerate every round. So you basically have to nuke them in a single round.
[This message has been edited by Nighthawk (edited 11-10-2000).]