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Heya :) need some help

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 11:44 am
by Chaos
sorry romancing question.. and another queston
i decided to replay BG II shadows of amn again... i have a *good party* and a *evil party*

completed the Rightouss good party, started playing my evil lot...
at some point in the game in some "romancing diologe" Viconia asks if i would like to use this power i have to rule others, i was experimenting, so i chose yes, She got very angry that a lowly male should want to rise above others lol, so i reloaded my autosave just a few mins before she asked.... saved it again with a quick-save, for some reason

but she didnt ask...i think i may of saved when she was about to ask or something reloading didnt work... i just carried on the game... hasnt said anything for a 6-8 days now... Any ideas? :p

also i clicked some buttons by accident later on and my Main character *auto teleports* where ever i ask the party to go.. so Korgan, Edwin and Viconia move forward, but i just appear there, and its very annoying...

i noiced that CRTL + B made a message appear in chat box which was "Speed 1" you can press again till speed 21 then it goes back to speed 0... doesnt change anything at all tho..

help anyone? :D

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:32 pm
by Thrain
the viconia romance is a bugger to complete. she likes strong, powerful men, so the option you took was probably correct, she just likes putting you down. the only time you need to be sensitive in viconia's relationship is when she opens up to you. to initiate dialogue press ctrl+I (although im not sure if it advances love talks)

as for the rest of the stuff.........i cannae help you.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:36 am
by Arturcic
Here I have a walkthrough for all the romances in BG II, use it at ur own spoiling risk.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 1:01 am
by Chaos

Thanks for the response, and the Spoiler... very helpfull :) speed things okay i just reloaded a earlier game :)