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Some help

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 4:45 pm
by Opalescence
Ok, I've finished Morrowind for the second time now, for my third time I feel like powergaming (OH NO! OPAL IS POWERGAMING, AFTER ALL HE'S SAID ABOUT HATING POWERGAMERS! THE WORLD'S COMING TO AN END!). Yes, that's right, ladies and gentlemen, your resident powergamer hater is actually going to succumb and powergame for the first time!

Naturally, I'm not very good at this, but I've got the basics down. I don't need help per-se, but I've got a few questions (and statements):

1. I refuse to cheat, under ANY circumstances. So no "~" key for me. I'm willing to exploit bugs and loopholes, as well as the alchemy "cheat", but other than that no cheats!

2. That said, does anyone know where to go to get two pieces of alchemy reagents that make Fortify Intelligence? The master Alchemist in Balmora sells one of them (Bloat I believe), at 10 a pop (and it's infinate), but nobody else sells another reagent infinate. If someone could find me somebody that sells, say, Netch Leather at anything a pop, I'd be grateful.

3. I intend to use light armor, for Cuirass of the Savior's Hide. Due to this, it becomes neccessary that I break into the Ald-ruhn Fighter's Guild room with the 4 pieces of Glass Armor ASAP. To do this, I'll get the Amulet of Shadows and then use that to sneak into the room. But in order to do THAT, I need something that can bust down lvl 80 locks. Anybody know anyone who can sell me a Locksplitter relatively early in the game?

4. An alternative, which is ludicrously expensive, is to use unarmored as a skill, and end up wearing exquisite clothing, each piece enchanted to provide CE Sanctuary. I believe with ALL your clothing (and maybe a Ring or two) enchanted with Sanctuary, you'll have 100 Sanctuary ... you'll never be hit by physical weaponry. Ever. I can't decide if I'll do 3 or 4. Help me out!

That's all folks! Thanks in advance!

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 5:10 pm
by Anonononomous
If you want to be really crazy, you could do both 3 and 4. Use the armor and have the sanctuary. That'd be power at least.

To open the lock the easier, and more effective long term, way would be to get a ring enchanted ith open 100-100. It doesn't cost all that much if I remember correctly. My current character got his open ring rather early.

But, if you've got good sneak, you could go raid Ghostgate and not have to worry about locks.

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 6:56 pm
by Sean The Owner
id just go 4 because if you cant be hit by physical attacks then the only thing your protecting yourself from is magick which if you have a good willpower then it wont be too hard to go through the game.(maybe you could choose the thief as the star sign and then only have some clothing with sanctuary and add something to strength or willpower)

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 7:01 pm
by techoluvr
where do you get caurris of the savoirs hide at

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 8:46 pm
by Ares2382
Opal the guy in Wolverine Hall, the one in the Imperial Cult room standing next to the shrine has both ingridients needed for fortofy intelligence, so go right ahead and pay him a visit.

Oh forgot to say it, he restocks everytime you talk to him ;)

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 1:38 am
by Rookierookie
Get the glass in the fighters guild legally with the fighter's guild quests. You can join House Hlaalu and get the glass armour from Nileno Dorvayn after one of her quests. Before you get either of those stick with chitin, and after that Dark Brotherhood armour.

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 1:40 am
by Mccool
Well you could try somthing insane, but only if you have the bloodmoon expansion.At the back of thirsk mead hall there is a hollow tree stump with ,a sowrd named shadow sting, a ring that puts your marksman up 20 and gives you night eye 20, 2 gloves (thats what yuor looking for) trechery and decite one of them puts your sneak up 20 and the other security up 20, oh and 5 ebony arrows that do 5000 damege when they strike. This is some sweet treauser but if your just early on in the game it might be hard to grt that far across solsthiem.

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 1:41 am
by Rookierookie
Or get to the cave NE of Soltheim, there is like a trillion gold in there, a glass helm, and other glass/ebony equipment.

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 12:18 am
by Locke Da'averan
you can get to the afore mentioned tree stump by simply killing the woman who has the boots of blinding speed, just kill her, you won't get a bounty on your head, and then put them on, i dunno if it's a patch or what, but when i put them on i get the marker that i'm 100% blind but i can still see and hit things, dunno.. anyway with those you can run across solstheim on lvl 1(tried it, works wonders, and having that stuff makes killing alot easier..

and even if you use the 100% sanctuary, an enemy with paralyze in his/her/it's weapon can hit you, since first you get paralyzed and then their attacks start to hit you.. Found out about that when 2 DB assassins attacked me and killed me even when i had sanctuary at 108%

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 9:57 am
by dragon wench
Or for a bit of cheese, you could CE enchant a robe or other item with a point or two of both 'restore health' and 'restore fatigue'. You never get tired and your health constantly regenerates. I made a robe like this for one of my characters and stopped wearing it because it made the game far too easy :o

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 2:39 am
by Locke Da'averan
[QUOTE=dragon wench]Or for a bit of cheese, you could CE enchant a robe or other item with a point or two of both 'restore health' and 'restore fatigue'. You never get tired and your health constantly regenerates. I made a robe like this for one of my characters and stopped wearing it because it made the game far too easy :o [/QUOTE]

well actually just for example i have a character that has about 15pts of regen for both health and fatigue, and he can still be killed.. so having like few points of regen for both isn't overkill IMO.. not saying you said so DW, just out of curiosity have you adjusted the difficulty lvl of your game to easier/harder and do you have pumamans giants mod?

and about the original post of opalescence: how about a bosmer wearing cuirass of the saviours hide, with an aspect of thief to give 10% to sanctuary, and then enchant robe/skirt/pants/and some other stuff with CE sanctuary and have 110% magic res, and 100% sanctuary. how's that? although i've noticed that the 110% magic resistance doesn't affect damaging spells, only status altering one's i think..

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 4:04 am
by Rookierookie
That's what resist fire and friends are for, right?