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SICK Bug for Hotu

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 10:45 am
by Fiberfar
This must be one of the strangest bugs i have seen. When you look into the telescope in Sobrey's magic shoppe, there is the orginal movie. But when the movie is supposed to stop, I get drawn into the place and can start a fight with the drow and duergars. I earn about 10 000 Xp for each duergar i kill, but they have hitpoint like H*** (about 9999, tested with harm). Not that i mind the extra Xp but it is kind of cheating.... this is on my friend's computer and not mine. Have anybody else experienced this :confused:

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:46 pm
by laditricsie
Fiberfar wrote:This must be one of the strangest bugs i have seen. When you look into the telescope in Sobrey's magic shoppe, there is the orginal movie. But when the movie is supposed to stop, I get drawn into the place and can start a fight with the drow and duergars. I earn about 10 000 Xp for each duergar i kill, but they have hitpoint like H*** (about 9999, tested with harm). Not that i mind the extra Xp but it is kind of cheating.... this is on my friend's computer and not mine. Have anybody else experienced this :confused:
Yes, I have had this problem and I thought it was funny that they didn't really fight back (kinda like hacking at an oak tree with a kitchen knife, but with persistence...). Now how the heck do I get out of there? Reaper Relic?

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:43 pm
by Cuchulain82
Something like this happened to me whenever my friend and I linked our computers together to play a LAN game. We started a new HotU campaign and we were both stuck in the dream sequence at the beginning of the game, with the valsharess and the summoning circle, etc. It wasn't a clip, but we were actually in the room.

(It was a big problem because we didn't know how to get out.)