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Mage HLA: Comet ... Useless?
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 12:15 pm
by Opalescence
I've yet to find a decent use for Comet that Dragon Breath doesn't already cover! It's a bit disappointing, because it seems so cool at first! Is there ANY reason to get Comet, other than the fact that you're so high lvl that you are left with no other choice, which only occurs at the way end of the game? Also, other questions:
What HLA do you usually get for thieves? I'm making a Kensai/Thief, and I knew I was going to at least get UAI, but I was wondering whether I should pour everything else into cheeze-its (i.e. Spike Traps) or perhaps I should get other interesting abilities, such as say Assassinate? or perhaps I could make a multiclass fighter/thief, and get WW and Assassinate? I dunno, which do you guys think is better?
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 1:03 pm
by glenfar
To me, they're largely the same. Sure, Dragon's Breath can do more damage (20D10) - but there's a save for half damage, and chances are anyone you want to use it on will make their save. So usually it'll do 10D10, which is the same as Comet. Of course, that still doesn't make Comet the better spell ...
The big difference I would think is the damage type - haven't tried it, but presumably anyone with Fire Resistance would be able to resist some/all of the damage from Dragon's Breath. Not sure what Comet would be classified as - crushing damage? In any case, if you're fighting someone with Fire Resistance, that might be a situation where you'd want to use Comet instead.
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 1:06 pm
by moltovir
Thieves have some of the most powerful HLA's in the game. Some examples:
-Place 5 timetraps. They don't trigger all at once, so you will have a 50 seconds timestop.
-Combine with assasination to get always-hit attacks at x5 damage.
-Combine with Belm in off-hand and improved haste to maximize your att/round.
-Make a fighter thief and use whirlwinds instead.
-Use the Improved Haste/Belm tactic, forget Whirlwind, and use Critical Strike. 8 quintuple damage critical hit backstabs per round? Yes please.
-(Not HLA, but still powerful). Use UAI or be a thief/mage, cast/read mislead, put your copy in a corner and keep on backstabbing.
I usually get UAI first (if playing with a single-class thief), followed by assassination and time trap. I rarely use Spike Traps, as they take away the fun of fighting.
About the comet thing: apart from the larger radius, i can't think of anything. Just use DB

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 1:44 pm
by Sytze
This is probably more a ToB question, but anyway.
The big difference is that Comet is an area spell, whereas DB only hits one creature. So if you want to hit multiple enemies, comet is your thing, however, if you only want to hit one creature, then DB would be the right spell because of the higher damage. I believe this topic has been recently discussed at the ToB forum, so you could try doing a search there...
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 2:24 pm
by glenfar
Are you sure DB only hits one creature? Been a little while since I had a high enough level mage, but I seem to remember it affecting an area ... and the area of affect is listed as 30' radius ...
Moltovir brings up an interesting point with the range though - most such spells require that you can see the target (i.e: visual range). But with Comet, presumably you could cast it when the enemy is around the corner, or even on the other side of a door!
BTW - one point on HLA - note the Whirlwind and Assasinate both only last for one round. So nice at it sounds, you can't actually have both Whirlwind and Assasinate on at the same time ... at least normally. Possibly with the help of a Time Trap, or (if part mage as well) Improved Alacrity.
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 5:57 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:57 am
by Sytze
oops, my bad!
Dragons Breath indeed is an area affect, the manual even says so
Anyway, DB can knock an opponent back, while Comet can even stun an opponent.
DB= victim can save vs breath damage for half the damage and will not be blow back.
Comet= no save against the damage, victim will be knockled down and must make a save vs paralysation in order to not be stunned.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:50 am
by araknid70
It all depends on the type of enemy. Why use DB against a red dragon? Makes no sense.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:59 pm
by UserUnfriendly
use comet against fire immune creatures that are vulnerable to magic, but has good saves. (fire giants)
use dragon breath against fire vulnerable creatures with bad saves but resistant to magic. (mind flayers)