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Final Fantasy
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 10:07 am
by Mccool
I'v been here for a while now and i kinda guessed that in the begining this forum(not speak your mind but the whole basic game banshee system of forums) it was mainly pc games being um......discused and then came the Xbox games, but i was wondering why aren't there forums for playstation rpgs such as the final fantasy series?
Ok i know that the final fantasy series is just getting worse by every game they've made since number 9 but what id really like to hear about is what one of the games was whoevers favorite and what they liked about it.
Not that anyone really cares and the fact that this thread will end up bottom of the ''most wanted to be replyed to threads'' but really they were the first RPGs I ever played and that means that i wouldn't be on this forum (which isn't really a big lose but still) so then i have tried to make my sale and if knowone cares well then iv just made an entire fool of my self haven't I?
Anyway my favorite would of have to have been FF7 because the characters had so much depth to them and the gameplay was much better than the previous instalments.But still the first one was cool to.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 11:25 am
by lordmelvyn
ff 9 is my favourite the graphics were good and the story line was exellent
ff 8 is my least favourite cos the story line is pretty boring
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 11:50 am
by Xandax
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Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:27 pm
by Robnark
well I have to say that I've only played bits of some of the first six, and I love tactics and tactics advance. but as to the recent ones...
ff7 is my favourite by far - good setting, good characters, fantastic final battles and marvellous ending. and it was the first one I ever played. and no magic system ever beats materia. and that intro. incidentally, cloud owns.
the rest of the games since haven't been as impressive. 9 was alright although a bit retro and disturbingly chibi, but I can't stand 8 or X-2.
but yes, I think I see a downward trend. 8 was really shiny and polished, but soulless and with an unecessarily complicated stat and GF system. and having to 'draw' magic just sucks. oh, and random encounters that match your level is a vindictive and idiotic idea. and those chocobo forests suck arse. and squall was an eejit.
9 was kinda back to basics, and pretty good. the chocobo treasure thingy was genius too. but all the characters looked like 8 year-olds and it tended towards the whimsical. but it was fun, with a very simple skill system.
10 was like an interactive movie, and blitzball got incredibly boring. and they ditched the beautiful rendered backgrounds - not necessarily a bad thing - and replaced them with insipid environments that wouldn't be amiss in ff8. the revamped battle system was quite fun though - fast and flexible and stuff - but the sphere grid thing was utter, utter pants.
and X-2. I played the demo, and my conclusions have been given some support from friends. y'see, while the bouncy, irritating (and sometimes hot) female character which pops up in every ff game is bearable, a group[ of them without any other, not-irritating characters to interact with, it tends to become utterly intolerable. and I have never used a more confusing battle system.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 6:59 pm
by Tower_Master
FF7 and FF4 (aka 2) - great games, great games.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 7:29 pm
by Aegis
Here comes the Troll...
Final Fantasy 7 was tripe. From the first second of the game, to the last. I felt nothing for the characters (with all but Vincent downright annoying me), the story was little more than the typical save the world story, with a touchof identity crisis. The character of Cloud was nothing more than an arrogant whiner, who expected everything to go his way, and when it didn't, he'd pull a trip to focus attention on him.
Not only that, but it ushered in this lovely little era of unskippable, madly long CG sequences in place of actual quality game. I play a game to play it, not watch a 2 minute long summon spell between 5 second button pushing intervals.
Granted, the materia system was good, but, and like FF6, I have never liked the idea of any member of the party being capable of using magic. It takes away from the value of it, and not as vital a factor within the battle.
As for the mini-games (because, really, what FF rant is complete with touching on these), well, I haven't liked any mini-games to a final fantasy game, to date.
Final Fantasy 2(4) was the best, and shall forever be, the best.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 8:32 pm
by Robnark
Here comes the insomniac...
you like vincent the vampire bishounen? to be blunt, I thought he was the most easily superfluous character in the thing, with only a small plot detail associated with him. true, he was one of the only characters that didn't fit neatly into squaresoft's usual character templates - irritating bouncy idiot, or moody awkward bastard. but he was still a lanky goth arse.
typical save the world story? yup. but it's a final fantasy game. big peril. evil enemy. world in danger. let's face it, they've been getting away with the same basic plot for years, and they nailed it in 7.
and cloud was the man. I was slightly annoyed with the squirrelling away of some important backstory for him, but I prefer him to the cheeky characters and, unlike most of the other moody antisocial heroes, he actually does some character development. and he has a bloody good reason to be miserable.
I almost agree about the summon sequences, but if you're using the shiny space bahamut or knights of the round all the time, you deserve to be made to wait for a few minutes a time watching them, you little cheesemonger.
I'm ambivalent about classes of character, myself. yes, it does mean less overt emphasis on teamwork in battles, although it is still there, dictated mainly by weaponry. to be honest, it's all a matter of taste. so therefore I cannot be wrong.
meh, that's up to you. although the minigames were, in many ways, the best parts of 8 and 10...
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 9:44 am
by Mccool
Final Fantasy 7 was tripe.
Ihave no idea how you can actually type that and still feel good about yourself, tut tut.
Anyway my analisis on FF8 would be that it had a cool storyline and cool graphics but every goddam thing in the game was a sup branch of getting things to help in battle.
FF9, i had so much fun with this one it was just so good and unlike final fantasy 7 it wasn't impossible to complete in under 3 weeks, but in saying that 3 days playing and completing it makes it the esiest ff game i'v ever played.
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:03 pm
by Locke Da'averan
FF6-The most long taking game i've ever played, ever. That one just wouldn't stop and there were enemies that kicked your arse so hard you wouldn't get a round in, until you became 50+lvl... Just when i thought i got you, you mad-crazy-family-poisoning-rat-bastard the world makes a whoopsie-dii-doo and i have to start all over again and realize that kefka's pretty much a god nowadays, that was a great game..
FF7-never played
FF8-first FF i've ever played and i liked it, though the draw magic was a pain in the arse: "oh look, an ultima weapon, hmm it has ultima, have to draw little bit more.." *smack* *smack* *smack* goddammit, and do it all over again.. i liked the fact that squall didn't trust no-one and kept it all inside..
FF9-never played
FFX-kind of strange experience, the greatest demos ever and the main baddie isn't just some tough guy taking over the world, but a god tormenting ppl through a huge creature that is nigh indestructible.. there's so much extra stuff in the game that it makes you demi-god, but it was still a great experience..
FFX-2 - haven't played, my roommate has it and he's played it almost to the end, but don't really know why he hasn't finished it.. (too hard maybe??)
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:35 pm
by Aegis
X-2 is a funny one, in that it's the first direct sequel, as well as first all female cast, but for the mission based. For some reason, I have the game, and a save point almost at the very end, yet, I have no desire to actually finish the game.
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 3:27 pm
by Mccool
X-2 was to easy to finish, when you got to the end you fought the esiest end boss since yu yevon, who (obviously) was the esiest end boss knowen to man, particularly cause you couldn't die.
Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:06 pm
by Tower_Master
[QUOTE=Aegis]Here comes the Troll...
Final Fantasy 7 was tripe. From the first second of the game, to the last. I felt nothing for the characters (with all but Vincent downright annoying me), the story was little more than the typical save the world story, with a touchof identity crisis. The character of Cloud was nothing more than an arrogant whiner, who expected everything to go his way, and when it didn't, he'd pull a trip to focus attention on him.
Not only that, but it ushered in this lovely little era of unskippable, madly long CG sequences in place of actual quality game. I play a game to play it, not watch a 2 minute long summon spell between 5 second button pushing intervals.
Granted, the materia system was good, but, and like FF6, I have never liked the idea of any member of the party being capable of using magic. It takes away from the value of it, and not as vital a factor within the battle.
As for the mini-games (because, really, what FF rant is complete with touching on these), well, I haven't liked any mini-games to a final fantasy game, to date.
Final Fantasy 2(4) was the best, and shall forever be, the best.[/QUOTE]
I'd agree with SOME of what you said about FF7 - I disliked teh super-long summoning spells, the mini-games, and the battle set-up wasn't exactly perfect, either. And FF2(4) IS the best. However, FF7 was NOT tripe (although, since it was teh first game I ever bought, I might be a little opinionated)

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:23 pm
by Aegis
[QUOTE=Tower_Master]I'd agree with SOME of what you said about FF7 - I disliked teh super-long summoning spells, the mini-games, and the battle set-up wasn't exactly perfect, either. And FF2(4) IS the best. However, FF7 was NOT tripe (although, since it was teh first game I ever bought, I might be a little opinionated)

Granted, it did work to lessan the stimga associated with RPG's, but the game itself was subpar. Too much emphasis was placed on it being the first RPG on the playstation, and it's (for the time) impressive graphics. In order to adjust, they ripped bits of story from too many other sources and ideas (and no, I'm not talking about the whole save the world aspect, but rather the protagonist suffering from identity crisis, a world powerful corporation hell bent on control, and a super power maniac who wishes to basically dislodge both).