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Which of the following classes is the best?

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 5:11 pm
by Bombeeck
Assassin/mage dualed at level 10
Multi fighter thief
dual classed kensai/thief at level 9
Multi thief/mage

Feel free to say why, for submitting strategies and explanations
Any help would be much appreciated

I'm thinking of picking one of those classes but can't decide which.
I think i will trie the thief hla and uai.(never used them before)

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 3:27 am
by ensaro dai
Multied Kensai mage, extremely powerful, good HLA for both, as u can choose which u prefer :)

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 3:36 am
by Opalescence
Unless you SK, I don't think multi Kensai-Mage is even possible. Then again, what's the fun of cheating? Everything's possible with cheating - it wouldn't be any fun. Personally, I like multi fighter/thief. With time trap, assassination and whirlwind, you'd get like 20 5x damage attacks while the enemy is still frozen in time!

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 am
by ensaro dai
True, only possible kit is fighter/mage (multil). But than, kensai not allowed to wear armor nor bracers/gauntlets and all its disatvantages cant be more powerfull/less powerfull than a general fighter. See it as a self developed kit....

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:39 pm
by araknid70
Try Swashbuckler/Fighter multi, in SK.

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 4:54 am
by me0w
Each to his own.

I would go for a dual'd Kensai(lvl13)/Conjurer.

"True, only possible kit is fighter/mage (multil). But than, kensai not allowed to wear armor nor bracers/gauntlets and all its disatvantages cant be more powerfull/less powerfull than a general fighter. See it as a self developed kit...."

Ok, your a mage, your not going to wear armour, the Kensai natural AR bonus just fits perfectly. Sure bracers are nice, but a mage doesn't really need them. Also, I think with being a mage your allowed to use robes and bracers anyway. Kensai is much better than a normal fighter (I think), it also just fits perfectly with thieves and mages.

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:50 am
by ensaro dai
Robes=Yes Bracers=No, I dont think its a HUGE advantage compared to a fighter mage, not even a slight one, see them as equal, both with disadvantages and advantages. KEnsia is bound to disabilities and abilities, just like a fighter...

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:59 am
by lompo
[QUOTE=ensaro dai]Robes=Yes Bracers=No, I dont think its a HUGE advantage compared to a fighter mage, not even a slight one, see them as equal, both with disadvantages and advantages. KEnsia is bound to disabilities and abilities, just like a fighter...[/QUOTE]

I completly disagree, a multi kensai/mage is much more powerful than a fighter/mage: I already disagree with the statement that a plain fighter is equal to a kensai, but that can be discussed, because you gain bonuses as a kensai (+to hit/dmg/AC/weapon speed and kai) at the cost of be unable to wear anything (armours/helms/bracers); but when you come to the multi, a plain fighter has to give up the ability to use armours, thus nerfing his advantage in respect to the kensai, while the kensai doesn't lose anithing, on the contrary gains the ability to wear robes (there are robes with good AC) thus reducing his penalties.
In the end a multi kensai/m is a lot more powerful of a f/m.
And the same goes for a kensai/t compared to a f/t.

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:21 am
by me0w
^^ I totally agree. Although the Fighter/Mage can always use Elvin chain, thus keeping the casting abilities, making it kinda usefull. However, as you said, the kensai has loads more boons (kai,+attacks,+thaco etc)

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 9:13 am
by lompo
[QUOTE=me0w]^^ I totally agree. Although the Fighter/Mage can always use Elvin chain, thus keeping the casting abilities, making it kinda usefull. However, as you said, the kensai has loads more boons (kai,+attacks,+thaco etc)[/QUOTE]

And BTW with stoneskin/M.I./P.f.m.w./Blur/Mislead/Spirit arm. etc. do a f/t really need ad armour?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:12 pm
by JJComo
Undead Hunter

I admit its a boring character but the Undead Hunter class has many bonuses you'll need even if you are cheating.


Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 2:21 am
by Ieldra
At the end, I don't think a Kensau/Mage is much more powerful than a Fighter/Mage. The Kensai's to hit and damage boni are nearly equalized by a fighter wearing the Bracers of Extraordinary Specialization (+2/3) which a Kensai can't wear. Weapon speed is a nice extra but doesn't count for much compared to a Fighter's variability. The fighter will eventually have much better armor, although not immediately since enchanted Elven Chain is quite rare, and Robes of the Archmagi are equal to unenchanted Elven Chain). The kai ability is very powerful, but is offset by the inability to use missile weapons - that's not only a huge disadvantage in many fights, it also makes a micromanagement hell of those fights where you want to keep your distance or in confined spaces. And yes, strange as it sounds, Kensai/Mages cannot use slings.

And another point: some pieces of armor have secondary effects, which you deprive yourself of. You might not need armor for the AC, but even hide armor is useful if it gives immunity to Confusion (Aeger's Hide).

As I see it, the class with the most potential is either the multiclass Fighter/Mage or the Fighter/Thief. The F/M has, eventually, more power, but you get substantial benefits from the F/T much earlier, so the F/T might be more fun to play, especially since NPC Thieves are either incompetent, unlikeable or they don't stay with you. Myself, I have never had the patience to play a character with so slow a level progression.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 3:45 am
by me0w
"Weapon speed is a nice extra but doesn't count for much compared to a Fighter's variability"

what does that mean?

"The fighter will eventually have much better armor, although not immediately since enchanted Elven Chain is quite rare, and Robes of the Archmagi are equal to unenchanted Elven Chain"

Umm, Kensai Mages can wear robes of archmagi, also a warrior mage is useless if he chooses to wear platemail, or any other type of armour (minus a select few, which can mainly be used by the kensaimage). so that point is invalid.

"The kai ability is very powerful, but is offset by the inability to use missile weapons - that's not only a huge disadvantage in many fights"

It really isn't, the whole point of the KensaiMage, is that its a tank. Therefore missile wepeons shouldn't matter. Also, that comes down to style of play.

"You might not need armor for the AC, but even hide armor is useful if it gives immunity to Confusion (Aeger's Hide)"

Ok valid point, although its not enough to outway the boons of a kensai.

So, I hope ye realise the Kensai recks it compared to a lowly fighter. He is just so much better.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 4:57 am
by Ieldra
A few points:

re: armor - you can cast in Elven Chain, and an enchanted set is available halfway through SOA, giving you equal AC to the Kensai. If you play with TOB, then there's the nice set you get off the Black Dragon in Chapter 7, which can be upgraded by Cespenar. It's a fact that a Fighter/Mage can get better AC and better immunities than a Kensai/Mage, which makes the F/M also better for the role of tank. I multi-mage battles, for instance, I'd want a F/M or a cleric in the frontline. But I admit it does depend on play styles.

re: Weapon speed. I wanted to state that it's not that important and that a Fighter's variablility in weapon/armor selection is something I would not
sacrifice for it, even compined with the other boni.

I can't really say which kind of character is superior, my point is that the supposed superiority of the K/M isn't quite as clear as it may seem at first glance.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 6:06 am
by me0w
"my point is that the supposed superiority of the K/M isn't quite as clear as it may seem at first glance."

It really is.

I am well aware of the elven chain, however, that stops you from wearing a robe of archmagi, therefore its doesn't equal the same ar as the KensaiMage.

the dragon plate doesn't let you cast spells (I'm pretty sure it lets you thief, but not cast)

The fighter and Kensai share the same posibilities with wepeons. (Unless I've missed out on something) the armour possibilities only lets you use elven chain. other than that, its the same. (ofcourse your not gonna wear anything else apart from robes, because you won't be able to cast) so the speed is still a great boon.

I'm sure you really beleive the fighter is better, and I won't be able to change your mind, but the fighters bonuses are just so limited in comparison to the bonuses of the Kensai.