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Help with Thief Skills please!
Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 6:15 pm
by MadClown911
hi, my question is when you start a thief ( i am assassin ). how many points should You invest in skills?
I wish to be a godly assassin. just for killing no detection or pick pockets.
There is another thing that i am not certain and I wont waste skills for nothing ... like if I put 200 in hide in shadows ... for exemple ... is it going to be real better then if I put 100 because at 100 you easily hide in shadow.
thanks for reading and also give me some tricks about it. I ll need it
Anwser as soon as possible please !
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 1:42 am
by Numinor
I usually get hide in shadows & move silently to 100 or 120, items like the Mercykiller Ring or Boots of Stealth added you won't have a problem with hiding and moving around undetected.
If you want to go with the "assassin-theme" I suggest you put some points into set traps, again 100-120 will suffice (100-120 are enough for most thief skills, perhaps except for pick pockets and detect illusions).
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 3:04 am
by lompo
[QUOTE=Numinor]I usually get hide in shadows & move silently to 100 or 120, items like the Mercykiller Ring or Boots of Stealth added you won't have a problem with hiding and moving around undetected.
If you want to go with the "assassin-theme" I suggest you put some points into set traps, again 100-120 will suffice (100-120 are enough for most thief skills, perhaps except for pick pockets and detect illusions).[/QUOTE]
You need stealth (hide in s. and move s.) higher than 100 (you can use equipment to help) because of penalties (when in sunlight or under light, when wearing armour etc.); also for pickpockets you need more than 100 for be very effective (stealing in shops mainly, but you can help with potions), the other skills I think only need 100 to be effective (but remember that wearing armour or elven chains will give you penalties to your skills).
Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:04 pm
by MadClown911
ok thanks guys !
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 8:49 pm
by newblay
I usually get hide in shadows & move silently to 100 or 120, items like the Mercykiller Ring or Boots of Stealth added you won't have a problem with hiding and moving around undetected.
If you want to go with the "assassin-theme" I suggest you put some points into set traps, again 100-120 will suffice (100-120 are enough for most thief skills, perhaps except for pick pockets and detect illusions).
... wow am I really dumb, how the hell do you add to points besides *
hide in shadows, detect traps, pick pockets & open locks...
Besides items, I don't see how you'd get 120 hide in shadows. And how the f do you "put points" into set traps!?!?!?
EDIT: Wow I'm a fuggin moron. I just checked it. I've been playing this game for like 2 years and I didn't know there was a scroll down button on the assassin "skills". Basically all I play are thieves... wow that makes me feel sick.
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 9:50 am
by Deadalready
An Assassin will want to spend pretty much all his points into Hide in Shadows and Move Silently due to the fact he just can't afford to spend his points elsewhere.
Hide in Shadows is more important than Move Silently by the way so you should invest more points into that.
In normal thieves I personally recommend:
100 open locks: I haven't seen any locks that require a higher amount
100 Detect Traps: Traps that require higher amounts are very rare
100 Trap Set: Very useful skill
100+ Detect Illusion: Usefull if you haven't got true sight
150-200 Pick pockets: There seems to be a little glitch where if you have more than 200+ pick pockets it actually makes it less effective!!!
Generally if you want to backstab and stuff you will want to concentrate early on increasing your hiding and moving skills but if you go as another class such as the Bounty Hunter, Swashbuckler or Vanilla Thief, I recommend having about 80-95 pick locks early and around 65 Trap disarm.
Or if you want just lump all your skills into pick pockets so you have about 180-200 pick pockets straight away and you'll be able to get anything you want in the game. Imagine having any amount of potions you need, all the weapons and full plate mail without having to pay for it. Using this tactic you can easily steal full plate mail, +2 Shields and scrolls before you do the circus.