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Help with Thief Skills please!

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 10:03 pm
by MadClown911
Help with Thief Skills please!

hi, my question is when you start a thief ( i am assassin ). how many points should You invest in skills?

I wish to be a godly assassin. just for killing no detection or pick pockets.
There is another thing that i am not certain and I wont waste skills for nothing ... like if I put 200 in hide in shadows ... for exemple ... is it going to be real better then if I put 100 because at 100 you easily hide in shadow.

thanks for reading and also give me some tricks about it. I ll need it :)

Anwser as soon as possible please !

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 12:42 am
by fable
Please don't double post in two different forums.

This thread is closed.