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Morte won't leave

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 3:46 pm
by MorgothSB
Hi all

I think, this time I have put myself into a kind of problem.

When arriving at the lower ward for the first time, i didn't wait for Morte to get abducted but left the ward at once (i didn't want to loose Morte at that moment). But now, after finishing the more pressing things I thought I had to do, when i return to the lower ward, the Wererat won't steal the skull. They just stand around being blue and do nothing.

Is there a way to get my game back on track again? I hope that there is some variable to set, so that Morte gets stolen like he should be.

Please help,


Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:03 pm
by VonDondu
I don't know how to make the wererats kidnap Morte, but here's what I would try: dismiss Morte and then go see if Lothar has him. Even if the cut-scene doesn't work properly, Morte's disappearance might be hard-coded into the script for the Lower Ward, so maybe everything else will happen the way it's supposed to.

Good luck!

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 3:08 am
by MorgothSB
Thanks for your advice. I'll try that out.

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 9:51 am
by Spif
IIRC, the official patch resolves a few problems with that cutscene. Do you have it installed? Also consider installing Platter's Fix Pack:

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 7:05 pm
by Platter
This problem can still happen with the official patch. The Fix Pack does not fix it either.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 6:29 am
by MorgothSB
Solved it

Yep, Official Patch and Fixpack are installed. But I finally solved the problem this weekend. After browsing through the internal variables, I happened onto one VisitedArea### (or something to that effect). After that, I looked into my savegame to get the areanumber of the lower ward, left the area and saved ny gane into a new slot. Then I again entered the editor and changed VisitedArea500 to 0 (was on 1). After saving and starting the game I returned to the ward and saw a somehow different cutscene. While the first time I entered the lower ward from the right (not wrong) entrance (upper left), since then every return put me to the lower right. And the cutscene started by slowly scrolling the game to the upper left part of the map, where Morte (showing me his teleportation ability for the first (and i guess also the last) time) was abducted, after which my game was back on track.

BTW, is there a way to get Mantuok to attack me without a fitting skull in my inventory (Soego ist already in Lothars posession).

Ciao and thanks for your help,
