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Shaengrane Bridge (spoiler)

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 12:58 am
by Brynn
I just wanted to know if you guys managed to actually save the bridge? -->Because I killed the orcs and everybody but the ogres had broken it before I even reached them. I could complete the quests this way, too, <-- but I was wondering if saving the bridge would give more XP...? (And if I saved it, where would it lead?)

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:39 am
by lompo
If you want to save it you have to rush, if I remember (it's a long time ago, since I got bored of IWD2 and I'm now playing again BG series) when I saved it I used stealth and invisible potions to get to the bridge and skip all the fighting to get there; place all your char you can near the Ogres that destroy the bridge and have the speech with the bad guy in the bridge and attack the Ogres. Once you've killed'em the bridge is saved and you can clear the rest of the place.
And yes I think you get more exp. for saving the bridge.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 2:22 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
yes you will get little bit more Xp if you save the bridge.. and just like lompo said you can save it that way.. but there is way to do it without all those stealth and invisible potions things.. but this way it might take some time..

first kill all orks and then move stright to the bridge.. This is bestly done with 6 player partys becuse 4 chars can hold monsters while 2 other chars deal those ogres and that wizard.. those to chars can be any class but i prefer classes wich has offensive spells.. and since those ogres dont fight back your mages can kill them.. after the ogres and blue skinned female is dead you can kill rest monsters in area..

This may sound hard.. but it is not..

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 3:27 am
by Brynn
OK, I'll try it this way then (when I get there, I'm about to finish IWD I now). Thanks for the help, at least now I know it can be done :)

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 8:27 am
by neocool00
Here is how I did it. When you first enter the area where the bridge is at, you get entangled with a bunch of baddies. I took all them out. After which, I hide all of my characters (easy to do since they all have Monk or Rogue levels). I then headed straight for the supports. Even hidden you still have to talk to the main baddie, but keep it short. I said one thing to him and then proceeded on. I had one guy each for the two orges and my third guy started wacking on the main baddie. Once the orges are down, I start working my way to the entrance of the bridge and then work my way to the exit. Area effect spells are very usefull in this area. Also having ranged weapons helps too. I noticed that almost all of the orc archers turned and ran when I got close to them, thus allowing their teammates to see and charge me. I don't recall how many xp I got for saving the bridge but I did get 525xp for only saying one line to the main baddie on the bridge. I've heard that if you keep your conversation short, you get more xp. Don't know, because I'm always in the mood for a fight when I get to the bridge ;)

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 9:16 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
basicly same post as i had.. but since i know that Brynn aint any newbie.. i didn't put so much detail.. and who realy wants to hear/read step by step quides? well not me.. those ruin all the fun.. big general idea is good.. that makes you use your own brains too..

But people are diffrent..

Your quide was pretty good tho..

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:37 pm
by Fiona
shaengarne bridge

I wish I'd known all that when I reached the bridge. With no knowledge it took me a lot of tries. You have to be quick because the baddies will bring the bridge down if you waste any time (talking or fighting). Sheer persistence got me there in the end but I have a very high boredom threshold.

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 11:42 pm
by Leathorwen
Hey all, im new to the forums... Anywho im up to the bridge now (bought the game only but 3 days ago) and well on the attack on the palisade 3 of my characters died, im trying to "Ressurrect" them or either use the "Raise Dead" power, but my cleric is only at level 3 :mad: ... What do you suggest i should do? Restart? :confused:

And what level were you guys when you reached the Bridge?

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 12:20 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Level depends on you partys overall level... but i would say that somewhere in between level 5-9

there is big tent in targos.. talk to those clerics in there.. it wont cost that much..

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 5:55 am
by Brynn
Neocool, are you saying that if I'm hiding they won't attack me even after I've talked to the boss? That would be convenient...

Hey Leathorwen, welcome :)

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 12:02 am
by Leathorwen
[QUOTE=Wrath-Of-Egg]Level depends on you partys overall level... but i would say that somewhere in between level 5-9

there is big tent in targos.. talk to those clerics in there.. it wont cost that much..[/QUOTE]

I know i can get it from the Clerics, but im not in the correct level. For *Resurrection* you have to be at level 7, and *Raise Dead* you have to be at level 5, but my Cleric is only at level 3?!

Hello To You too Brynn.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 12:07 am
by Brynn
Leathorwen, no matter what level you are, the clerics will always raise your party members. (I guess you thought Wrath had meant you can get the spell scroll itself, right?) That will work even if you don't have a cleric in your party at all. All you need is money.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 12:09 am
by Leathorwen
Wow! You serious? But every time i go to the Clerics, i try to click on the Resurrect or the Raise Dead it doesnt work, well not available, you know what i mean?

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 12:16 am
by Brynn
When you're in the "Temple" (= you see the list of healing spells the healer can provide on the left) you have to select the character you want to be raised. (So not your leader should be highlighted on the right but the one who's dead). Always the applicable spells for the selected characer are available on the list.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 6:50 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
When you get to shaergane bridge your characters levels are somewhere between 5-9 and that depends on how many party members there is..

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:02 am
by neocool00
[QUOTE=Brynn]Neocool, are you saying that if I'm hiding they won't attack me even after I've talked to the boss? That would be convenient...[/QUOTE]
Yes, that's what I did. The boss will still talk to you even if you are invisible, but you don't automatically unhide after the conversation. If you have the ability to hide all of your characters, you can get to the orcs pretty quickly. I know it's a little late, but you can get an invisibility scroll from the lady you save in the beginning (not Emma, but the other one).

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:08 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Lol you didn't save Emma... she just happened be there when orks attacked you.. and she helped you.. so she saved your butt.. and you paid her kindness by returning her sword..

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:15 am
by neocool00
[QUOTE=Wrath-Of-Egg]Lol you didn't save Emma... she just happened be there when orks attacked you.. and she helped you.. so she saved your butt.. and you paid her kindness by returning her sword..[/QUOTE]
Um...I wasn't referring to Emma, but the other lady. Now you've forced me to look up her name.

Ah, found it: Sabrina Fairwynd. She's located in THE SHAENGARNE RIVER.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:49 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Oh her.. um sorry.. but i dont belive.. you,,,

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 12:50 am
by Brynn
Oh, I didn't know she was selling goods.. :rolleyes: I offered to escort her, got some XP for that and then she disappeared. Anyway, I'm not there yet, so I have enough time to look for the scroll/potion before I get there.

Thanks for the help, everyone :)