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Get nookie in game?
Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 2:44 pm
by Chickadoodle
Okay, this may be a weird question, but here goes: Under "Statistics" and then "Romance" it says "Number of times had sex". How the heck do you have sex in the game? I've tried a number of things, like taking women (including wives) to the inns, but it doesn't work... If anybody figures it out, lemme know!!
Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 3:13 pm
by dude6935
you need a wedding ring and a house. as far as i know, you cant get it on in an inn
Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 10:17 pm
by Chickadoodle
Figured it out...
I got it! Take your wife to your house and shower her over and over with gifts and adoration; soon she'll ask you to go to bed with her.
Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 5:05 pm
by _Linkamous_
sounds like women in real life now always wanting everything...cept those broads in tha bar u should be able 2 get em drunk n have ur way wit em...but in the end yeah u have 2 be married and have a house...and is it just me or is anyone else having the problem that everyone in tha town has fallen in love with ur character even tha dudes...uhh makes town visits akward lol
Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 5:07 pm
by Nocturnalist
Well, I did have the awkward experience of clicking on a woman and then hitting the Flirt expression only to have her bumped out of the way at the last second by a man who, having received the flirt was, egads! receptive!
Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 5:44 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=_Linkamous_]sounds like women in real life now always wanting everything...[/QUOTE]
And just how many women have you loved and lived with in reallife for any appreciable time, O Knowledgeable One?
Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 3:39 pm
by Orion53
just so you know
all you have do to boink your wife is a lot of flirting & sexy hero posing
btw i took my wife out and got her a little drunk i kept her out until she said she was tired then i took her home and she gave me a master crossbow as a gift.
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 5:18 am
by smurfface
Wow! I didn't know you got free gifts for this! What's the best area when it comes to marrying generous NCPs? 14 people in Knothole Glade love me! Maybe I should start there!
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 5:13 pm
by P_a_l_a_d_i_n
I have like 5 guys that want to marry be in bowerstone... WHYYYY???? Is it the two very big horns on my head??