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Chahopek the Gaurdian

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 5:06 pm
by JJComo
This Black Dragon is one of the toughest to beat ranking up there with Adalon the Silver Dragon from BG2. My party has a half-orc barbarian, human Paladin, Cleric and Druid, a Wild Elf Sorceror and a drow rogue. After many frustrating battles with Chahopek I found his weakness. With just my Druid and Sorceror I was able to bring him down. Use Improved haste to move your party members away from him. This caused him to stop advancing. I then cast Emotion: Hope and Resist Fear to counteract Chahopek's Aura of Fear. Smashing wave , Spiked stones and Lance of Disruption were quite effective against him. Summoning creatures to keep him stationary helps. After I had my fun with him, I came in with my tanks and cleaned him up. My whole party took maybe 40 hp damage total. Hope this helps. Have fun.


Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 10:59 pm
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Wee another this type topic.. But for those who haven't yet defeated that dragon.. this might be helpfull..

But for those people who have defeated this dragon long time ago.. and have seen 41537+ topics like this.. it is bit pointles...

But i used static charge..

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 3:00 pm
by Heidrek
Mord. Sword wprks wonders on him if you can cast it. Also, Call Lightning and Static Charge as mentioned earlier. Use summoned creatures, particularly undead or elementals to melee him while you rain spells on him from a distance. I recommend Lower Resistance as well to increase the chance of a sucessful cast.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 7:15 am
by TaZ
I think *brings back old memories* that I brought this guy down once with quivering palm.

In BG2, I disintegrated Jon Irenicus, that was very cool. He just got up again for the end sequence :D :D

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 5:50 am
by Brynn
I agree with Heidrek! I actually casted three Swords and got my rouge hiding and sent her and the Swords close to the dragon. Now, it didn't attack the rogue b/c she was invisible, but the Swords did significant damage to him before I had to horn in.