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So is it the end all of games?

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 5:31 am
by fable
Just got back with my wife from a long vacation, and was curious about this title. Months ago, in another thread, here, we were told by various posters that Fable was (to near-quote) the RPG to end all RPGs, and the one that looks so good you have to change your pants. When I pointed out that all this was grounded on PR and not on actually playing the game, I was told by a few people to stop ruining it for them.

So now that it's out, was the PR correct? Is it the best RPG to ever be made, the most fantastic, non-linear RPG experience to come along? I haven't played it yet, so I'm genuinely curious.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 5:34 am
by Rookierookie
I heard a lot of people were disappointed by all the features they left out.

I've never played it, but from what I do know I think it was way overhyped and came out a little early... if they had just treated it as any other game it might have been very well received.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 3:28 pm
by beornica
definitely over hyped, some cool concepts, but i wore the same pair of pants through the whole 20 or so hours i played.....
its worth a try, but it will be just another typical RPG in my collection.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 1:41 pm
by Xerces

same experience here. Its fun the first time or so through it but I don't see myself playing this over and over. After so many hours (10 or so), there's really not a whole lot more to do so it gets repetitive and somewhat old. The storyline is ok, nothing great. The graphics is pretty good but there's lots better out there. I wish they made the armor much more distinctive like they did the weapons. :(

Also the sex sounds are cheesy and the voice overs get very annoying after awhile. I definitely don't regret getting the game but it certainly is not the uber RPG it was made out to be...

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 8:20 am
by fable
After ten hours, it gets repetitive? That sounds like an absolute dud.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:25 am
by Bloodthroe
Actually there are a lot of things people don't realize. In this game sure you age and alignment effects looks and you can even buy a house, get married, and get a haircut. But, no one else ages in the game, there isn't an endless amount of spells to learn (so new spells will come with new games) and so on.

It's not the ultimate game... I think people just don't realize that Lionhead, the creators of great games like Black and White and Populous, wasn't trying to create the game to end all games. They were just trying to create a game that was different and maybe make a break through as far as gaming goes.

Fable is definately over hyped by the small minds.