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How to kill trolls?

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 8:25 am
by Elfenkoenigin
Hello, I´ve killed some trolls before, but now in level 4 it is too hard. How can I kill them? They lay down on the ground (unconscious and unable to move-don´t know the right English word).One of them is near death. my party hurts him time after time ( since half an hour) but nothing changes. There are numbers: One number in red: 37
One number in blue 1150
The blue number changes the red doesn´t . I think I don´t understand the whole battle. What do I have to do to kill the trolls or to leave the battle modus, so that I can run away???
Greetings Elfenkoenigin

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 8:42 am
by silverdragon72
[QUOTE=Elfenkoenigin]Hello, I´ve killed some trolls before, but now in level 4 it is too hard. How can I kill them? They lay down on the ground (unconscious and unable to move-don´t know the right English word).One of them is near death. my party hurts him time after time ( since half an hour) but nothing changes. There are numbers: One number in red: 37
One number in blue 1150
The blue number changes the red doesn´t . I think I don´t understand the whole battle. What do I have to do to kill the trolls or to leave the battle modus, so that I can run away???
Greetings Elfenkoenigin[/QUOTE]

...will send you a pm with a german explanation...


Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:37 am
by lordmelvyn
look at my a good way of dealing with trolls all you........

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 10:39 am
by trm
killing a troll

the only way to hurt a troll permanently (damage he can not regenerate) is by using fire or acid. There is a range of spells based on fire (i.e. burning hands, fireball) or acid (melfs acid arrow).

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 11:00 am
by ordnaryjones
Just knock the troll out and coup de grace them(an option in the radial menu), that will work on sleeping or held creatures too.