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The great 'solaufein' thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 4:33 am
by ensaro dai
Ok, this has probably been done before but I'd just like some peoples opinions about Weimer's Solaufein mod.

As for me, ive taken slaufein into me party had a hard time killing those **** revenge spiders (Strength drain all over :( ) at lvl 13. Achryssa was even harder, i had to run for my life untill her buffs went out (and she couldnt cast any new) and than finish her of with the Flail of Ages. But now i feel like SOlaufein is overpowered.

Since he has MOONRAY (Heal party, sunray effect, only more damage =\) it is just to easy playing with him. His dimension door funcition is quite nice, if you can keep to the limits and dont use it ALL the time, dont exploit this function. BUT moonray, i just told myself NEVER USE it again, at least not IN battle it self, its a good healing function instead of resting.

OK now the question : Do you guys feel like SOlaufein is overpowered? BEsides the act i think he is, i think the mod and bantering is great!

PS: What difficulty level do you guys play (Core-rules, Hard-50% more damage, INsane- double damage)

Speak your mind all :)

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 5:05 am
by stramoski
Party Power

I think that the question of Sol's power is a relative one. In a party with Chloe and Edwin, he'd be on par. If he's adventuring with Cernd (hey, someone might actually keep him in their party) that he's very high powered.

If you want to play a really over-powered character, go evil and with Valen. She managed to take out the entire Shadow Thieves guild all by herself last time I played.

I think your p.s. is very appropriate to your question. If you feel your party is overpowered, up the difficulty...

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 9:22 am
by SP101
You can avoïd solofein's "challenges" by just saying : "It was a dream, don't think about it anymore, it won't happen".

You will not get the xp and the sword (That's probably the greatest longsword in the game (SoA) and one of the best in ToB)

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 9:47 am
by ensaro dai
ACtually I'm playing Hard atm, just started tob with me char having 3,8 mil xp starting ToB.

Planning to mod my next game with ascension, extra quest etc, just leech pocketplane ;) . Probably going Insane rules with an assasin or mage/thief (actually played irenicus dungeon with a assasin today, was very satisfactionate).

Have to add that Sola with 25 strength from Crom Faer and Flail of Ages is extremely powerful in my party as well (Jaheira, Sarevok/Minsc, Aerie, Imoen and me Kensai/Mage)! But his conversations and bantering are great, he adds something to the game :) !

Lets continue discussing Solaufein and all difficulty level :) , see ya soon

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 12:17 pm
by nephtu
My 2 gold worth..

Solaufein is a great NPC, and very well written. Pretty high on the cheese-o-meter, though.

Beyond the dialogue and minor stuff, he brings the Eclipse battle, the second best combat in the Infinitity engine - Ritual has to take the overall prize, IMAO.

It's nice seeing a good-ish Drow who isn't some kind of naff Drizzt clone.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 2:57 pm
by ensaro dai
Ture, dialogues are great, but - besides the good battles he gives - dont u think he makes all other batteling far to easy (the guy has 50% of all my kills - learned myself a limited use of dimension door and no moonray, no eclipse swords) while my protagonist (who used to have 50% :) ) is down to 25% =\.

Solau using the Crom Faer and Flair of ages might be the problem ;) , but still =\.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:13 am
by nephtu

Well, when I've used him, he's not too out-of-balanced compared to the rest of my party :eek:

I don't use sunray or dimension door too much, however. Usually playing with Tactics and Spell-50, core rules.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:22 am
by me0w
Sorry for being such a renbie, but would you guys mind explaining who the guy is (I guess a good drow) but where do you get him. Whats with all the moonray or dimensional door stuff. Where can I get a look at the mod, etc.

Thanks guys. Also, do you think he is worth playing (I'm about to retackle SoA/ToB (when I buy another copy because I lost disk 2+3) wanna play a fairly hard game too)


Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:24 am
by Ieldra
Download here:

Within the game he can join you at the beginning of chapter 6. As for whether he's worth playing - as people said, well written, but too powerful. But if you install the Tactics mod, Ascension and suchlike, you'll be thankful for his presence

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:58 am
by ensaro dai
When i'm gonna run my new game (BG I + ToSC + BG II + ToB) ill play insane rules, with all kind of mods makign the game much harder :D (Ascension, Spell 50 -> what is that exactly, and tactics?) Just wanna do it the hardcore way with an assasin/mage or jsut plain assasin (so i can get rid of imoen and take edwin instead :D )

Quite off topic but could u guys gimme a list of good mods for BG I including:

Harder gameplay/fights
More quests (finsih loose-end questlines)
More NPC's
More Items
And how to install TuTu the right way

And the same for BG II :)

Thnx in advance :D

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 2:22 pm
by nephtu

Can't help for BG1 mods, other than the BG1 Tutu, which ports it all to BGII ruleset :cool:

Tactics is a must, IMAO

Spell-50 scales most level scaling spells to level 50 (so a fireball can do 50d6 :eek: ). NB magic missiles still max out at 5.

You miight like Unfinished business, for resolution of some loose ends.

Solaufein (M Drow ftr/mage)
Valen (F Vampire ftr/thief)
Tashia (F Sorceror)
Kelsey (M Human sorceror - mucho dialogue)
Chloe (F Human Kensai)

Item Upgrades

Those should keep you busy for a while. There's a ton more, though.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 2:57 pm
by ensaro dai
Spell 50 meaning both enemy and allied spells. Which makes non-spellcasters extremely weak if im not mistaking, seems kinda unbalancing :|

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:24 pm
by nephtu
Well, that's sort of the point

[QUOTE=ensaro dai]Spell 50 meaning both enemy and allied spells. Which makes non-spellcasters extremely weak if im not mistaking, seems kinda unbalancing :|[/QUOTE]

Yep. Makes those lich fights exciting :cool:

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 2:14 am
by ensaro dai
OR merely impossible ;) :D