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A few noob questions
Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 12:54 pm
by nirvecho
I used to play Morrowind, but my computer died on me and I lost everything. I think I was a level 38 Adventurer Redguard.
Anyways, I decided I wanted to install the game again and play through it. I choose Dark Elf for the simple reason that they look the best, even though I choose to be a combat oriented char. I use Long blade, Armorer, Heavy Armor, Block, Athletics, Restoration, security, Acrobatics, Marksman, and Short blade (I think I have all of them)
The reason I made this char to get to a higher level (teens-20's) and then turn to a vamp and then save under a different game. One to stay on the normal main quest track, one to kill anyone and everyone.
Think I should re-make my char as a Redguard, since they are a better combat race? Can I get through the game easily enough with my race/ combat/magic/stealth arts?
I choose Dark elf because they look the best, and I think they look good as vamps, which brings me to another question.
Anyone want to share some pics of the vampire char pictures? Preferably dark elf vampire pictures.
Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 1:26 pm
by Sean The Owner
your dark elf should easily be able to make it through the game with Long blade, Armorer, Heavy Armor, Block, Athletics, Restoration, Security, Acrobatics, Marksman, and Short blade.
I think you should make your redguard again but wait until you get bored of the dark elf.
i got no pics of a vamp though sorry.
Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 10:31 pm
by beornica
You'll be fine. Everyone here seems to like dark elves the best; they are a well rounded out race, can do pretty much anything.
Just make sure when you go in to the vampire lair and get jumped, don't fight back. That's a mistake I make EVERY SINGLE TIME. Then I try and go back in, and - hmmm, I'm not made very welcome.
Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 6:17 am
by fable
Everyone here seems to like dark elves the best;
I'm partial to Bretons, myself. Actually, it isn't the look of the race that matters at all--it's just the attributes. (And for those who aren't pleased with their current race, there's a quest mod whose reward includes a ring that lets you change your race as often as you wish.)
As for pictures, please don't start posting 'em. The site owner says they slow down the board, and he'd rather keep things as fast as possible. The occasional image is fine; let's just not make a thread or habit of it.

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 9:14 am
by dragon wench
I recently created a dark elf myself, and I realised just how well-rounded they are. I gave my character primary attributes in combat, with secondary abilities essentially divided quite equally between magic and stealth. I'm realising, looking at her, that she'll be able to excel in pretty much anything she wants to.
So I really don't think you'll have any problems at all. On the other hand, I recall from playing a Redguard that even when you try to compensate, their magicka really tends to suffer. Of course, you can create/find items that enhance your intelligence and magicka, but it's nice to have a reasonable supply of it naturally
Though.. once you get into the upper levels, I'm not sure how much it really matters, it seems all races by that point are extremely powerful in multiple areas.
Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 9:53 am
by moltovir
I never choose Dark Elves, because they are so arrogant. If you want a good fighting character, take Orc. Personally, I love Orcs, but the sophisticated ones, so mine had Alchemy, Security and Speechcraft as major or minor skills, while still being a one-man-slaughterhouse in melee.
Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 12:08 pm
by Mccool
Not orcs or elves, nords are the best, the strong proud resistant residents of skriym the have much good abilities such as long blade and heavy armor + if you want to try making it a mage you can give it alchemy and conjuration.
They are, on the other hand, the esiest to win a fight with + they can get good stats at the beggining which might make things too easy or at least i think so.
Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 6:57 pm
by Sean The Owner
i find bretons and redguards are best but the only ones i can say i really dont like are khajits
Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 7:37 am
by Locke Da'averan
actually a breton is IMO the best as a fighter. Since you get 50%magic res, and some extra mana, you become good mage, and you'll get pretty much as many hitpoints as any other race. Then, when you train your fighter skills (best chosen as primary) you start at them very low, since bretons don't have skill bonus to fighting skills(atleast not for long blade, heavy armor etc.) so you can get more levels by training those.. IE if you play a redguard, you get 15points to longblade, then when you play, you can only increase long blade like 50 points, that's 5lvls, but when you have long blade at 15 at the beginning you get more lvls and so on, i have, pretty much lvl 70 breton and he's a fighter, simply using the cuirass of saviours hide he get's 110% mag res, and using enchanted stuff that gives 100% in sanctuary, only thing that can hurt him is magic, and that you can easily dodge if you have boots of blinding speed...
Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 2:47 pm
by Sean The Owner
same goes for a redguard using starts low and you get more levels
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 10:26 am
by Nobleheart
I use a Nord, personally I was disappointed in the lack of magicka that i can get naturally but thats the price I pay for a powerful offensive fighter. Nords have an excellent resistance to magic, although if you're playing GOTY edition it doesn't really matter that much if you kill the king afterwards and take his ring. Not to mention Almalexia will give your character magicka res. as a gift for a quest. As for the characters I'm not particualrly impartial to any of them as they all begin with specialties and as Sean said you can get basically all the levels you want by switching their other stats at the beginning IE Redguard using magicka instead of Longblade, Altmer using different blades. Although I will agree that a Khajiit is not the easiest character to begin with especially for someone who just started playing the game.