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Fighter/Sorcerer, is it possible?
Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 5:01 am
by Fraser
I'm trying to make a character using ShadowKeeper that's a Fighter/Sorcerer but I'm rather unfamiliar with the program and I don't know if it's possible. Any ideas would be appreciated. Also, I want his race to act as a half-elf but to read as a Half-Drow. Much like Viconia is an elf in all respects but her race reads as Drow. I've always wanted A Fighter/Sorcerer and I assumed it would be fairly easy with SK, so it's quite frustrating. If anyone knows, that would be great.
Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 6:01 am
by Coot
Can you elaborate a little as to why you have trouble with Shadowkeeper?
You can use SK to give your sorc almost any fighter attribute you want. You can lower the THAC0, change hit points and weapon profencies etc. Just click the labels you want.
You can fake a Drow about the same way: increase dexterity, magic resistance, skin color.
Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 2:28 pm
by glenfar
Technically no - even with SK, you're constrained to the combinations that show up in the class combo, and that's just the legal multi/dual combinations.
However, as Coot said, you can fake some of it, at least for a dual class, by boosting HP, THAC0, proficiencies. But you will find there's a few problems:
Weapons/Armour - Sorcerer's are rather restricted here, and you're stuck with their selection. However, what you can do is give yourself UAI ... search the forums, and you'll find the specifics. Or just create a high level thief, and copy the affect over.
# of attacks - Only fighter types can get more than 1 attack/round (unless modified by magic items and/or spells). Now you can change your base # attacks in SK to give yourself more. But you won't be able to get extra attacks from weapon proficiencies (not even with *****).
CON bonus - Only fighter types get HP bonuses for CON above 16. You can give yourself extra hitpoints in SK to compensate, but you won't benefit from any CON increasing item/spell.
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 4:36 am
by Fraser
Thnaks for the advice guys. It's a little annoying because what I really wanted was to create a character who was simply a Fighter/Sorcerer multi-class and go from there without having to edit in the changes in THAC0 every level and stuff. I thought that if somone can use SK to get a Kensai/Conjurer then surely I could try a Fighter/Sorcerer. Oh well.
By the way, I wanted to change his race purely so that when you look him up on the record page it would show his race as Half-Drow. I wasn't so much worried about the game mechanics.
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 2:46 pm
by UserUnfriendly
well, its actually easier to make kensai sorcerors...
the easy way...
kensai mage multi, using sk...
level up until you get use any item
erase all spells, roll hitpoints and levels in both back to zero, set number of attacks to 2.5, and make into pure sorceror.
a functional kensai sorc.
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 7:49 pm
by Raumoheru
[QUOTE=UserUnfriendly]well, its actually easier to make kensai sorcerors...
the easy way...
kensai mage multi, using sk...
level up until you get use any item
erase all spells, roll hitpoints and levels in both back to zero, set number of attacks to 2.5, and make into pure sorceror.
a functional kensai sorc.[/QUOTE]
dude that makes NO sense! kensai mages do not get use any item....
to make a fighter sorcer the best and easiest way is to make a kensai level him up all the way, use SK to put his experience to 0 and change his class to sorcerer.
Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 5:56 am
by UserUnfriendly
[QUOTE=Raumoheru]dude that makes NO sense! kensai mages do not get use any item....
to make a fighter sorcer the best and easiest way is to make a kensai level him up all the way, use SK to put his experience to 0 and change his class to sorcerer.[/QUOTE]
urm..sorry, meant kensai thief...
problem with that is you can't use swords cause of class restictions...that's why you need kensai thief...for use any item...