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Spell Casters

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 12:16 pm
by nirvecho
In most games, spell casters suck early on, but later they become extremly powerful. Is this the case for Morrowind?

I am thinking of making a Breton Mage of some sort. Can anyone suggest what should my Major and Minor skills should be?

I was thinking strength/intelligence or Willpower/intelligence as my two primary attributes. Any one have a better suggestion?

Destruction or bow
Heavy or light armor
Long Blade


Would think make a good mage? Please, any tips, suggestions, ideas, or anything is very appreciated. Thanks

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 3:21 pm
by Nobleheart
The magic is all good and fine, I think you'd be best to replace your Long Blade with a Short Blade skill. The bow may or may not be handy for you as you will be mastering distance magic. At any rate your mage will probably be just fine if you don't want to change any skills. Good Luck! :)

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 7:36 pm
by Ares2382
Well I would actually suggest not putting Alchemy into your minor or major leave it as misc skill because of how easy it is to lvl it up. And if you leave it as minor or major you may find that you are lvling up too quickly, unless of course you want that in which case leave it as is.

And if you decide to go with heavy armor you should deffinatly get Stregth as one of your primary attributes, cause you gonna need some extra to carry all that stuff and as a mage your Str won't go up that much.

As a weapon I would suggest Blunt rather then Long Sword, simply because it's more of a mage like weapon + the weapon with highest enchantment value is blunt(Ebony staff I think, or maybe deadric one).

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 8:34 pm
by techoluvr
Yeah, I agree with ares go with blunt weapon theres 3 staffs that are really good. One is called Felens staff, You get Felens staff in a theives guild quest And the other is called like Maras staff or something like that you find maras staff somewhere dont know where. Finally, the best staff ive ever seen is archmage Trebonious's Staff. You find trebonious staff on Trebonious after you kill him. The last staff mentioned is the best i think.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 7:28 am
by Locke Da'averan
unless you want to create an uber char your choices seem fine, but unfortunately in morrowind it doesn't matter what skills you choose to major/minor if you've played before..
the best mage race is most likely altmer just because they get more mp, and that's all that counts since even an orc can get his magic skills to 100 without much fuss, but breton is the best overall race for anything.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 1:55 am
by Rookierookie
If you choose a spellcaster you MUST have a weapons skill to go with it, I prefer blunt weapon for the Staffs.

The reason is that most daedra have reflect, one character in Tribunal has 100% reflect, and many enemies in Bloodmoon have high reflect as well. You are going to be totally screwed when you get to those areas.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:37 pm
by Sean The Owner
id put alchemy misc skills, and go for a short blade because there are many good short blades and not many good staves.short blades also weigh less then staves and id go unarmored because you dont want to carry much burden around your acrobatics dont start off great...the rest the mage sounds good though

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 10:22 pm
by Rookierookie
For realism, not for gameplay.