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Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 6:42 am
by krogoth34
i cant beat the final guard party of demagorgon, the one with the ytossi and the really beefed up dual glowing sword wielding kensai. Plz help me some thoughts if you will. and someone keeps level draining me
who is that?
Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2001 7:45 am
by Tharan
Ah yes those stupid sons of biaches... Yes I remember that all to well, they humiliated me! Once when I was not ready for it, but I came back with horrible vengece when I reloaded.My great cheapness ( no cheats or powergaming of course). Buy anyway here you go man, this is how I beat them down.
The one that lvl drains you is the nymph looking thing the red one. Most likely. Ok before you start the fight make sure that everyone has chaotic comands on, protection from fear, and haste. Also it would not hurt having defencive harmony and protection from evil 10'.
Ok now summon a planetar/deva ( If it is a deva do not forget to haster her) and an elemental prince.(greater elemental summoning.)
Now move your fighters to the place where the beholder pops up. You planetar/deva to the place where the nymph thing pops up, and your elemtal prince to the place where the archer or the priestes pops up.
As soon as that party appears, you warriors need to go into the whirlwind/greater whirlwind attack and attack the beholder. The y will take him down even when he has stone skin. Your Planetar/deva will fight the nymph thing but I dont think either one does much damage to each other for some reason. The elemental prience will keep the archer busy or the priestess busy.
After you take down the beholder. Turn to the kensai (BEHOLDER MUST DIE FIRST UNLSESS YOU WANT IT TO UNCORK ITS VOLLEY OF WHOOPASS SPELLS) with your tanks just beat the living sh*t out of the armorless kensai. After that attack the sixhanded biach, you should take her out quite easily, do not be greedy and use all your tanks fighter abilities such as critical strike and the whirlwind/greaterwhirlwind, its worth it. Then go after the Nymph thing. With your planetars help you should be able to kill her very easy. Afterwards jump the priestess and then go after the archer.So the fight will basically include Your tanks, a Planetar/Deva and an Elemental Prince. Also if it helps do Dhalzims Horrid Whilting with your mage, but do not do fire because it will heal them.
Dont worry if any of your guys die, as because the planetar can resurect them or if you did not summon a planetar but a deva, memorize a resurection spell with your cleric and stay back. After you have beat down that party you can spit on their corpses just for the hell of it.
Personally I just say I play cheap, and I do sometimes, but I use very good strategy most the time. Though this fight is a tough one, probably beats most of any other fights I have been in.
Well hope that will help you, if it did or did not wright something and I will come up with another strategy, if it will help list your party here too.
Though I had 2 tanks, myself (Berseker) dual wield Foebane+5 and Answer +4 and Sarevok with Psions blade +5 (Those +5 weapons go through any absolute immunity or protection from magic weapons).