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Nalia's Keep

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 4:46 pm
by dkong911
Well, I've gotten to the bottom cellar dungeon place, but I'm having trouble beating it. So I figured I'd come back to it later....

but i was wondering, am i being timed? i dont think i am, but i jsut wanna kno for sure...willl Nalia leave me and say meet me there, and i can go back there when i want to?

i kno i will be stronger for the fight there after doing most of athkala or w.e

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 4:49 pm
by fable
Well, I've gotten to the bottom cellar dungeon place, but I'm having trouble beating it.

I'm assuming you mean the "boss" down at the bottom of the citadel owned by Nalia's father. This isn't clear from your post, so I'm not sure. Are you looking for strategies to kill it?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 5:13 pm
by dkong911
well, im not to the boss yet, the 2nd room of trolls in the cellar cause my guys to go into chaos and we die...but is it iminent i get nailias keep asap? and if i wander off and she leaves, can i jsut meet her there when im ready to kill him?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 5:30 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=dkong911]well, im not to the boss yet, the 2nd room of trolls...[/quote]

Do you see why it's important to be more specific in your queries? ;)

in the cellar cause my guys to go into chaos and we die...but is it iminent i get nailias keep asap? and if i wander off and she leaves, can i jsut meet her there when im ready to kill him?

You're doing it again: who is "him"?

I can't tell if you're almost ready to take over the Keep, because I have no idea how far you've gone in finishing the main floor, the top floor, or the outsides. All I know from your comments is that you're having problems with the basement area.

As for killing the trolls, use weapons and spells that emphasize fire and acid. If you have a mage with Melf's Meteors, that's a wonderful choice, too.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 5:49 pm
by dkong911
sorry, il try to be specific thanks for pretending to be patient :)

I finished everything and got down to the cellar, cleared the first room, and was on the 2nd room with the trolls that caused my party members and sometimes myself to go into chaos mode, and since i have no control over them while in this state i die, so i was wondering if i could come back to this quest and ditch nalia and meet her at her camp when im ready to kill the boss troll d00d and complete it

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 6:07 pm
by fable
Those don't sound like trolls. Are you sure you're not meaning Umber Hulks? I know they're downstairs, in at least one, maybe two, rooms.

In any case, you can't "win" this quest if you leave any opponents alive in the Keep. Everyone of 'em must be dead.

If you have Jan in your party, my suggestion is to have him cast Invisibility on himself, then send him through the door where the hulks (or trolls) are. Meanwhile, line up your fighters in front, and your mages and clerics behind 'em. When Jan's within the room, have him use the Cloudkill wand you picked up in the first dungeon, and cast it at the monsters when they're in a group. Then make him run out of the room, to the back of your party.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 6:16 pm
by dkong911

i dont kno where this jan mofo is, and i didnt get a cloudkill wand "in the first dungeon" w.e that means...1st level? iernicus' dungeon?

OH YES and they were umbar humthingymajiggs

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 7:14 pm
by Numinor
There are several wands of cloudkill throughout Atkathla, for example there's one in the hidden room in the Crooked Crane in the gate district.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 7:27 pm
by fable
And DKong, please watch the language. :rolleyes: As I've posted before in threads that you read, check the forum rules regarding vulgarity and euphemisms (like "mofo"). I really don't want to get another PM about a post of yours.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 10:01 pm
by me0w
DK, sorry to question you again, but how old are you? your under 15, right? (sorry if this seems rude, but you just seem to be taking the piss quite a bit. Its pretty boring.

Your struggling against umberhulks, look do you have a mage? - If so, get him to cast web at the door, then get someone with free action to walk through and lure out the umber hulks then fight them with range, by doing this they wont cast (although its not actually a spell they cast, just an inate ability from there claws - IIRC) confusion on your party.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 10:41 pm
by dkong911
i get a warning for saying "mofo" and he makes fun of me for having trouble with something and fable doesnt care?

sorry im not a pro gamer who never sees natural light

ya kno, some actual human interaction (not thru a computer) would do you some good me0w

Not to sound rude or anything... :D

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 10:45 pm
by Shadowling
Actually, you don't need to kill the umber hulks, I casted invisibility to jan, gave him the dog stew and made him stash it into the cell secretly, then sneak out of the corridor the other way around, then i just closed the doors, simple, the hulks were there, when i completed the quest.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 10:48 pm
by dkong911
thx shadowling that helped a lot and at least u actually gave me GOOD advice instead of calling me a 15 year old~~! :D

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 10:50 pm
by Shadowling
OI! Shut yer mouth, i'm 15 :D ,now you know how to get the dogstew?, you need to kill the dogs on the yard, take the meat and use it to the stow thats near the front door, then just place in the "prison cell" into the things where are dog bones etc.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 10:55 pm
by dkong911
thx a lot

and thx for not complaing about my threads like me0w and actually helping me

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 12:55 am
by fable
Meow, that went overboard. Insulting anybody is not allowed here, and their age isn't relevant to their actions.

Dkong, you've been warned, before. You've been asked to abide by the forum rules. Instead of acting in a mature fashion and complaining about the flame so I could get in to the boards and deal with it, you chose to complain about the rules here, and flame back. This is your last warning.

This thread is closed.