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Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 10:06 pm
by slyhunter
Is there something in the unholy oubliette that causes permenant slow? My character started to melee slower sometime during or just after the hags and the big ghoul area. now his wt did become 145/195. However after selling off all loot and later in beggar area his melee was still extremely slow about one attack for my pc vs 4 or 5 for the npc. I did manage to find a save before this period and my speed is good, but I still havn't figured out just what it was that slowed me down yet.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:32 am
by slyhunter
I'm now at like 55/195 wt and my attack speed is down to once every 20 blows. Only reason I don't die is because I'm armored up to close to 99 ac.
Naked my armor is 61 and I still attack slow. I noticed the wolves all missed me even while naked, but I'm not putting out any damage. Agility is 7.

Prior to the hag area in oublette I could do an attack like every other second. It was super fast using the 1 cheat. but during the hag encounter my attacks slowly got slower until far later after that dungeon my attacks are worthless now.

I think it is the animation that has slowed.

I reloaded the game prior to where my attacks slowed down, skipped out of the oublette and did quests in temple and port and then headed for beggars area. I'm starting to slow down animation attack sequence again. It appears to happen right after I hit level 8.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 8:21 pm
by slyhunter
It isn't just my melee, casting heal takes forever now. Probably a good 15+ seconds.

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 8:55 am
by Nutterbry
I'm getting the same problem after returning to Montaillou after meeting Nostradamus. Have tried everything ------------ but no joy. There must be an unfixed bug. So you're not alone.