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Brass monks

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:40 am
by lompo
How do you defeat the brass monk of the 8th chamber?
I tried with several of my char, but nobody even killed one: my sorcerer managed to survive for short time with his protection, but was unable to damage them (I checked with D.K. and found they are 100 resistant to elemental attack and spells, so only physical attack should work); my cleric managed to cast some protection and summoned an undead, but the undead felt to the fire columns and my cleric barely injured the monks before dying, lastly my barbarian managed a little better, after grabbing an axe started to damage the monks and had one to almost dead before dying himself: in that case I found that while the first blows of the monks dealt around 5-10 dmg, after a while they where dealing dmg in the range of 20-30 and although my barb has over 200 hp he couldn't resist much, plus he had to spent half of his time escaping the fire columns instead of hitting the monks.
Does anybody have some hints for that fight?

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:52 am
by Brynn
Well, I got my mage to do this work. With Mirror Image and Stoneskin she was hard to hit and she summoned some monsters (not udead) who was able to deal with the monks.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:06 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Hit and run with your barb.. ''Dash'' feat might help in this matter.. just use you fighter.. do one hit run.. hit.. run hit.. run.. takes time but it works..

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:20 pm
by dark_raven
if you have a druid, use the shape-shifting abilities. or if you have a monk... well... um... use the monk! :rolleyes:

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:57 pm
by Heidrek
my sugestion is use your wizard or Sorc. to cast shadow conj. as soon as possible. then invisibility yourself so they fight the Shadow. move away and cast a better summon spell like animate dead, as the shadow creature will die pretty fast.

I suggest Shadow Coj. as it has a low casting time, so hopefully you can cast it between you and the monk. Another option is casting Improved Invis. instead of Shadow Conj. you can then cast freely.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:02 pm
by Volk
Sorcerrer, use stoneskin, improved invisibility, and fireshield blue, to resist their fire damage and the damage from the traps, then beat them in with a warhamer, use a scrool if you dont have the spells.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 9:56 pm
by Heidrek
only problem is that you need to cast all those spells once you are in the test. When you enter, all spell effects in place are removed, as is any equipment you have, so no scrolls I'm afraid.

Generally if you're quick you hvae time for 1 spells before the monks gwt into striking distance and start beating you. Fireshield won't help, Stoneskin will absorb some damage, but they can still disrupt you. Improved Invis should be your first cast, or perhaps Miror Image. For added defense, Blink is an option but I'd just start summoning creatures to do the fighting for you.

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:28 am
by lompo
I finally made it!!!
My mage/sorcerer were not able to do anything, but finally my raging barb. did it, although he came out of the fight with only 1 (!!!!) hp left (after his rage expired).
Having given dash feat and heroic inspiration was a winner, he was faster than the monks and could do some ranged attack before thay close up distance, then he hit with a battle axe and rushed again also to avoid the fire columns, and H.i. gave him some extra adv. after he was wounded.

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:44 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
I am happy for you!

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:51 am
by winter sorrow
I guess you didn't have a deep gnome or drow? Mg resistance makes it pretty easy. Evasion is the next best thing for avoiding the flames. Every time I've done it, it has been with a drow character (first a monk, second a fighter/wizard, third time a cleric + something)