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For those that completed Fable..(Possible Spoiler)

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 7:34 am
by Mad Loco
This is a question to those that have completed Fable...for those that haven't it's upto you if you wana see it.

After completing Fable should the guild have been totally sealed up? I mean what was the point in that exactly. I know Jack was doing his thing there but would that power have caused everything to...well cave in?

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 4:56 pm
by Spiral
Disappointed By Cave In

I was a bit disappointed by that, I never did get into the demon gate there. Plus there was a key in the Guild Woods that I hadn't fished for yet. You know beside the man just outside the guild that sells you titles (chicken chaser) well there is what seems to be the back of a demon gate. I was wondering that there may be some way through that to get into the guild gardens, possibly by opening the demon gate that you had to race to at the start of the game. Just a thought, I'm probably wrong.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 5:38 pm
by Mad Loco
unfortunatly no, it just takes you into a nice calm and relaxed area, and if you can get the camera to spin around the characer when it's half way in the wall where the ship is, there's still items there on the they could have left would have made sense since the academy trainees would have returned to continue their training instead of staying scattered around Albion.