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Global Variables
Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 12:48 am
by Patrick
Does anybody know how these work and how to reset them??
Specifficaly I want to keep my RangerStronghold, but I sold Beer and swords to the kids. This stoped my quest in that area, I would like to reactivate my Ranger stonghold
Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 1:46 pm
by Ellester
I don’t have a great answer for you, but to change the variables use Shadowkeeper. There is a list of variables that you can change, romance options are messed with a lot here. Anyway, Shadowkeeper is the tool. Just open up a svased game and you’’ll see your party with tabs for stats, inventory, etc… I think the tab is called variables (not sure) that has all the variables for your character.
Now, I have no idea what the variable would be for the kids, but you could probably get your stronghold back without bothering with these kids (maybe not?). There’s probably some variable called RNGSTRHLD or something to signify ranger stronghold. If the value is set on 2, then change it to 1. Go talk to the mayor after and he should give you some response to let you know if you are or are not the Ranger for Umar Hills.
Also, there might not be a way to get it back, as maybe there are two or three variable needed to be changed. But, who knows? Might as well give it a shot.
Last not remember what your changing, write it down if needed, just in case you screw it up.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 2:42 pm
by Patrick
There is a variable named RangerProtector, mine is currantly at 6.
Any input anybody???
I already have shadow Keeper so no fear there
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:22 am
by Patrick
/There are three global variables I think might work.
I am trying to keep the ranger protector stronghold, but gave beer and swords to the kids in the Umar hIlls.
minscreamindsimnesvale my value-864908
Rangerprotector my value-6
kidsrunoff my value-2292349
I don't know about the last one for sure??
Also If I change these does it change in my Journal?????
I changed a few and the journal stayed the same??
ANy clues
Anybody on these quest can give some variables that would be cool.
B G Fan
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 4:02 pm
by Patrick
I am having difficulty with Ranger/protector too. I reset my value to 4 an at least the folk of Imnsvale are peacful with me now. But does changing global variables reset scripts in the player journal/log book. I messed with them a lot and the journal stayed the same.
I failed earlier by giving the kids the swords and ale. (I think this is 'Kidsrun- away variable) DOes anybody know what this is if I don't give the kids the ale, or what it would be called instead??
If someone can referance this with a saved game of their own that would be great.
There is another variable called Mindscreammindsimenvale??? Don't know what that is.
Any help would be appreshiated.
Even when I reset the variableslike Ranger/protector I still cannot access the cabin. Do I need the cabin to get further quest in this town or does anybody think I can get around it otherwise