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I am back
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 10:39 pm
by Bruce Lee
Hello everyone. My old bg2 game is scratced beyond recognition and my old computer is broken. However today I got the new computer and tomorrow I get my new copy of bg2. I am looking forward to playing this great game again, especially on a much faster computer. Best possible graohics this time with all the cool mods
So who is still hanging around?
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 11:17 pm
by Opalescence
hi ... bruce ... I'm new but quickly getting into the SoA scene

. So how's life treating ya?
Speaking of Mods, some cool new mods have come out recently. The Pocket Plane group's got 'em if ya wanna check em out ... also you'd probably want Baldurdash because they've been spitting out new versions of that constantly.
By the way, have you ever played The Darkest Day? I keep hearing about people swooning over how great TDD is, how good IS it? What's it about?
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:15 am
by Coot
Welcome back, BL. Have fun. I remember installing Bg again on a newer computer. I was very nice to have the game run smooth even in big battles or while fighting dragons.
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:19 am
by Sytze
Still around, though the numbers of posts here of me have decreased since I finished SoA and ToB a month ago or so.
Just started playing BG I, and I'm planning to play all the way through SoA and ToB with -mostly- the same party.
However, I'm really taking my time, since I'm looking forward to some Mods, which will hopefully be ready at the end of this year.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 8:22 am
by Bruce Lee
Thank you guys!
I haven't actually tried TDD because I heard it wasn't compatible with ToB. However I am looking forward to Ascension and all the improved battles and the dragons without the game going into slow motion!!
I have one problem though, I installed the patch, the european patch and could only select between languages that I dont really speak. So in the config menu I have french text, not good. Anyone know where to change this?
I am thinking about installing bg1 and doing a full tour myself. Probably will actually.
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:57 pm
by Phantom Lord
Hi BL!
I'm here for the first time since months (or years?) myself.
Anyone know if User Unfriendly is still around?
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:05 pm
by Thrain
@opalesence: the darkest day is an epic scale mod for bg2. it introduces many new NPCs (some old ones as well) and lots of different new kits for you to play. the quests are huge and adds a lot to the bg game.
however, TDD was one of the first major major mods for the game. there is no work being done on it atm and, as such, it is full of bugs, incompatible with many other mods and the ending (for many roleplayers) leaves a lot to be desired.
if you fancy the TDD kits, NPCs, spells and items and not TDD itself, forgotten wars forums are currently beta testing and improving (v5 now i believe) TDDsinTDD which contains everything but the quests themselves.