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Help! Stuck on De'Arnise

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 11:13 pm
by OldMansChild7
doing de'arnise right now with a solo stalker, on the second floor, there are three doors that are locked, i cannot open them even after DUHM. seeing that i wont be going anywhere if they are not unlocked, i turned to ease-of-use and installed the "no lock trap" component, but when i load up the game again, it is still locked. is there anything i can do without going back and getting a thief?

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:19 am
by Coot
Use some strength enhancing potion/girdle or spell to raise your strength and bash 'em open?
BTW, not having a thief in your party doesn't mean you can't finish most quests. If there are locked doors that stop you from advancing that means there are keys to be found to open them. Why not check a walkthrough? Use the one here at Game Banshee, it's quite good.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 8:08 am
by OldMansChild7
lol, found the key, on the corpse, hehe, god that was stupid.
yeah, i know that GB2 usually has keys for important doors or its made so its easy to smash, i thought it might be a bug...

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 11:51 pm
by stramoski

Ease of Use's No Locks/Traps does not affect areas visited before the install... On the next time through the game, they'll all be bashable, but you'd have to restart back in Irenicus' Dungeon to "fix" them all...