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Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 7:15 am
by me0w
Ok guys, Nym the devious drow from LDD village won't re-appear after using Dimensional Door. I told him I would kill him for his actions (after commending him on them, ofcourse) now he disapears but doesn't reapear I checked the walkthrough here, and they say he is where Beon actually stands, on the temple area.

So guys, I'm about to defeat Polquen (infact I already did it, but I hadn't killed Nym or restored The Hand to its former glory so I decided to go back so that I could finish off all of the little quests I had.

Now where is Nym, I need to kill him so that I can go back to the hand and explain to larrel what happened.

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 4:40 pm
by me0w
Hmm, has no one else killed Nym?

Oh guys and another question to access Luremasters Trials and HoW, can I clock the game, then walk back to Khaldur and do those, or is it like ToSC where I have to do it before fighting the boss?

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:51 pm
by Zlarm
you may talk to that guy in kuldahar, and do HoW, TotLM, finish them, and thenbe taken back to finish icewind dale.

Or you can finish IWD, and them import your characters into an "expansion only" game

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:12 am
by Brynn
Meow, I didn't kill Nym, so I can't help you with that one :(

As for the expansion, I think it's better to return to Kuldahar and finish the additional quests before actually dealing with Poqulein. As Zlarm says, you will be able to do it afterwards, but defeating Poqulein feels like the end of game so it may be strange to go for smaller quests after killing him.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:54 am
by me0w
Thanks guys, I'll get to dealing with the expansion pack now then, hopefully someone will know about Nymm once I've done it.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:10 pm
by Philos
Finding Nym

I did get Nym. He is might be using hide in shadows (since the skut is a thief). You could try the cleric spell Invisibility Purge, or Detect Invisibility if your mage has it. Detect Invis is instantaneous in IWD so your mage will have to be in the temple area. I have noticed some of the spells in IWD seem to differ from how I had thought they worked in D&D.

You might want to wait until after buying the squrrels and birds in order to complete the Restoration miniquest back at the "Hand". Once threathened he obviously won't sell and I doubt if you would see those as "treasure" after you kill him.

I did the talk to him routine to initiate a fight, so I don't know if you could stand back and "nuke" him from a distance with a fireball or two. Probably will teleport after one, but if you have 2 mages you could throw 2 area effect spells and perhaps get him. Beorn was NOT in the temple area but on the street for me. If Beorn is still in there in your game maybe try talking to him, leave the market area completely and come back later to see if he has moved.
I staked out the bridge to the temple and blocked it with a fighter, mage, and a summoned earth elemental (who almost blocked the whole bridge by himself), my fighter/thief who was hiding in shadow was in the temple area but away from the center, my other 3 characters confronted Nym. After threathening him, he indeed popped up in the temple area and only my shadowed thief was within view of him. He couldn't see me, so I manuvered to the bridge and to where Nym was just in view, moved my mage to just behind my thief and still out of range of Nym's view. She tossed in a fireball, Nym didn't move, so she threw her other one and my f/t threw his "boomerang" hand ax (LOVE THAT ITEM). No more Nym!! He was worth only 7000 XP but he did have 28,000+ gp and a couple of interesting items.

Another side note: Although it is expensive, I bought the resurrection wand artifact from him. I didn't like the idea he might take that item to his grave with him. It is a "nice" item as well and will probably come in handy when I face Brother P in the end since one of my characters is an elf and only can be brought back by resurrection if he dies. My fighter/mage who has a fairly good charisma aided by two magic items which boost it and a friendship spell picked up it for about 20% less than retail.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:03 pm
by me0w
Thank you very much!

- Ek, I ventured to the blasted gnome village, went to the "temple" where Beorn is, then repeatidly cast purge hidden, marched about most of the village casting it.

What am I doing wrong?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:18 pm
by Philos
Finding Nymo


Sorry to be so long to reply. Been swamped at work. Dial up at home is too slow and DSL not available there.
Wow, I'm stumped. I don't think you are doing anything wrong. He has to be there somewhere. I have noticed some spells in IWD don't seem to work the way they "should" be working or perhaps the way "I" think they should. I KNEW there had to be thieves hiding around (Marketh's palace for example) but I NEVER got invisibility purge to work on any of them.
I don't know if it would mess up your game but the only other thought would be to go back to a previously saved spot in the game before before you attempt to kill Nym. Pre-stage some of your party blocking the bridge, (include your mage in that group), then confront Nym. After he appears in the "sanctuary" keep everyone back and have the mage use area spells to bombard the sanctuary (make sure the effect area includes the center). If Nym can't see you he won't try hiding in shadows. He will just stand there and take it. My thief (who was hiding in shadow close enough to observe but not get hit by the spells) finished him with a throwing axe that boomerangs back to the throwers hand.
He is only worth 7000 XP but he has a LOT of gold, a couple of neat items, and I must admit it is satisfying killing the skut that caused the rift between the dwarves and elves.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 3:43 am
by me0w
Hmm, perhaps if I just bombard the area with area effect spells, at my current save (I've done too much to go back).

Well I'll try it now, thanks. I hope it works, Otherwise I need to use CLUA console. I think.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 12:36 pm
by Philos
Finding Nym

I hope it works too. I can't help but wonder if there isn't a bug in IWD concerning Invisibilty Purge and See Invisibility spells. I never did get either one to work. Reading the spell description for both seems to indicate that those spells should make a thief in shadow visible. You also might try area effect spells around the entrance of his shop if nothing happens in the temple area. Wish I could have been more help. :confused:

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:26 am
by me0w

Gonna have to search through the codes, so I can clua in that loser Nym.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:37 pm
by Sinfaan
Haha! Realizing of course that this is an old old old old old old OLD thread apparently, since it dates back to 2004, I'm replying just to see if anybody will have the answer to this:

I've only played through IWD a handful of times but never got the urge to kill Nym and see what was up. Now that I am, I was curious as to whether or not you actually CAN go back to Larrel and get any experience for killing Nym?

I've referred to a lot of Walkthough's for this but haven't found a thing about it, so I'm assuming this was somewhat of a "forgotten detail" from the devs of the game. Since I'm playing an N/CN/NG/NE sort of game (a very hard match up :laugh :) , without metagaming...which I suppose I'm doing initial reactions for all of my PCs in any circumstance is playing both sides and only helping the evil side when it either suits me best, or the evil decision is in turn aiding an underdog of sorts. In this case, I've just had a bout of curiosity since by quasi-roleplaying up until this point I've come out grossly underleveled and I'm curious to see if I could maximize this particular encounter for some well needed experience by telling Larrel that he's wrong.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:46 pm
by Sinfaan
Haha. Figured as much. :laugh:

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:42 am
by Widowmaker
I've come back to these games recently (News of Baldurs Gate Enhanced Edition got me in the mood for an IWD playthrough)

So, after many attempts I have managed it! How I done it;

Spoke to Dirty Llew, got him to craft the sheild, went to Nym, bought the squirrels and birds for the Severed Hand, then asked him to enchant the sheild. I went the "extortionate price/dagger aswell for 33,000 gold route" (tried the others, didn't seem to work)

Travelled to SH with the animals, for the EXP bonus. Travelled back to Nym. Received the enchanted "Nym's sheild" and "Nym's Dagger"

Leave conversation.

Arrange your party, with fighters surrounding Nym, and ranged fighters further away, main character also right next to Nym if they are not already)

Now this is what "made the deal" for me, have a mage cast an attack (magic missiles seemed to work a treat) and pause the game with the missiles in flight, close to Nym. While paused have your main character engage conversation with Nym. Follow the conversation like so: 2,2,2,1,3 (should end with "you b*****d....") Magic Missiles will then hit Nym, initiating instant combat. They also seem so slow Nym's ability to Dimension Door in most cases. If possible pause the game, highlight entire party, and command them to attack Nym. If the process was sucessful, the party will begin to attack Nym, when he vanishes they will automatically chase him to the makeshift temple, and in all the cases I have played through he was not cloaked and did not attack before being quickly murdered by my party.

Killing Nym rewards 7,000 EXP and all the money you have spent in his shop (For me +35,000) being left on his corpse AS WELL AS THE ORIGINAL RHINO SHEILD! (2 for the price of 1; one enchanted, received earlier, one not enchanted on his corpse)

Hope this helps!

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:06 pm
by Philos
I tried a similar tactic on another play through. I surrounded him and buffed everyone up with a haste spell and strength potions. Surrounded Nym and hit "pause". Ordered the entire group to attack with melee weapons except my leader who I ordered to initiate a conversation with him. Unpaused, and my leader went into immediate conversation with him. I followed the route that ends up with turning him hostile. He turned red just as literally everyone hit him and exploded into popcorn. Didn't count the damage but was around 150 HP I would reckon. No more Nym!!! YES!!!