Chapter Four & Quests (Spoilers)
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 7:11 pm
Gidday all,
My Bard and her group just slew Bhodi at the end of Chapter Three (man, one hit with Azuredge from Minsc and she failed her save! Quickest fight with her ever!) and are now ready to head off to Brynnlaw.
However, my Bard is in the middle of the Bard stronghold quests (I just got the "main actor improvising and re-writing the script" component).
The question is - if I head off to Chapter 4, will it ruin my stronghold quest? Or will the quest just be suspended until I get back to Amn?
Cheers all,
My Bard and her group just slew Bhodi at the end of Chapter Three (man, one hit with Azuredge from Minsc and she failed her save! Quickest fight with her ever!) and are now ready to head off to Brynnlaw.
However, my Bard is in the middle of the Bard stronghold quests (I just got the "main actor improvising and re-writing the script" component).
The question is - if I head off to Chapter 4, will it ruin my stronghold quest? Or will the quest just be suspended until I get back to Amn?
Cheers all,